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heres my 3 top programming tips

1. 'best practices' is nonsense !!!!!!!

2. software is wrong

3. never use a computer

Prey and Pyre are both on PSN flash sale right now, in case your gaming budget is constrained by four specific Scrabble tiles

Mario Odyssey knows what chord is playing on the soundtrack and uses that info when playing musical sound effects.

Loitering: the act of existing in a capitalist space without succumbing to capitalism

intraqueer politicking, being down on jokes that the reader may enjoy 

i dislike jokes like "gay culture is X" or "Y is trans girl culture"

I don't think the people who make those jokes believe that all trans girls do Y or all gays do X, or that people who don't do Y aren't trans girls or similar.

But it's real easy for some queer people to doubt ourselves, "am I really trans?", "am I really gay?", etc. And jokes about how forex trans girls are all catgirls or whatever don't make it any harder.

Friendly reminder that salvation army is transphobic and homophobic and you shouldn't give money to bell ringers. There are plenty of inclusive charities in your area.

me: what is your opinion on mlems

kat: what are mlems

me: its a bit like a blep

kat: ... youve been spending too much time on masto

i'm playing SOMA with safe mode turned on and even then it's still scaring the shit out of me


@nimtendogs trying to understand cis people is a fruitless endeavor

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!