@MiseryMyra it's just constant and I think this is actually why people invented wine
@MiseryMyra children are fucking insane aughhhh
@Liophu Ah. Yeah, that'd be it then. :/ I hope you don't have to adjust your meds though… that always sucks.
I hope you can find some little ways to take care of yourself in the meantime. Sometimes just an early night, a nice walk, some good food, a little pampering, they can all just help lift the gloom just enough to get by a little longer.
@Liophu That sounds a bit like depression… or exhaustion at the least. I hope you're OK.
@squirrel so far I've been evasive and giving him a bunch of soft push back, but I feel shitty about it. I've never been great at confrontation. It's even more awkward with the babies there, who kinda freak out if you get emotional.
I was similarly awkward about his anti-vaccination stuff.
@squirrel like, that also puts it back on him. I'm happy to have an argument if it's going to go that way, but I don't want to start shit either. Mostly I'm there to commiserate about sleep deprivation and watch babies stick things in their mouths.
@squirrel I could probably manage that, actually. Good idea!
It always comes out of nowhere, too
"Are you guys thinking about schools yet?"
"I don't like public schools now with the way they're headed."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, the bathroom stuff, where, like, a little boy can decide he's a little girl, and stuff."
fucking what
I'm pushing back a bit, but mostly I'm just kinda freezing, because I don't know how to respond, it's like my brain goes blank.
At the moment I'm being such a wuss about it because playgroup is also the only place I get to go out and talk to adults and god I'm so fucking alone being a stay at home mum is so isolating, but fuck why does he gotta do that shit and why can't I just
can we just talk about how his kid is climbing into the toy cupboard instead?
There's got to be a fairly civilised way of telling someone you absolutely do not agree with their views, but where you also get to keep taking your baby to playgroup so he can learn and play.