So if you need a German #SavageWorlds char sheet with #Fate Aspects built-in that probably won't look right on your computer, I'm your enby!
Btw, #SavageWorlds' German translation SUUUUUCKS.
Tbf, I've never seen an RPG that translated well into German 🤔
@Tobi what about shadowrun? from what i've seen it's surprisingly popular over there
(disclaimer: am not german, cannot read german, know nothing more about German shadowrun than what I just said)
@takelgryph It *is* rather popular, yes, there are several Germany-specific source books, iirc.
I can't speak to the translation, though, it's been ages since I read anything from it.
I'll just assume it's awful though.
Maybe I just don't like German?
@takelgryph I might be wrong, but I suspect that many (most?) German translations for games aren't done by professional translators, and quite likely rather piecemeal, instead of treating it like - say - a novel.
I know for a fact that some video games are translated that way, and it really shows.
@Tobi i've heard a few horror stories about non-English translations and video games myself, yeah