
I feel so late-to-the-party to The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.

Like, it's got the Bethesda jank and spontaneity, but it's oddly more engaging to me than the last Bethesda game I played, which was Fallout 3 like three years ago.

I don't even like medieval stuff that much!

@lizardsquid It didn't feel like the things I did had any impact to anything.

Whereas in Skyrim I have to choose between Imperial Legion or Stormcloaks, while *also* could join the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood at the same time.

It feels like my Skyrim protag is entrenched in the world she's in more so than FO3's protag.

@TonicBH yeah, exactly!

I wish the choices had more impact (like they do in Fallout:New Vegas), but just *having* things be influenced by you is so important

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