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On a discord server, we were talking about the Doom ports and eventually conversations got around to talking about the 3DO port.

Suddenly I have a tab open of Rebecca Heineman talking about the horrors of making that port happen.


your bun friend is currently in an area where there's high winds and smoke everywhere.

thus they feel kinda miserable right now. :blobupset:

New on the Secret Area Patreon: It's Carmen Sandiego: Out of This World, an unusual kids album based on the hit game show.

Also, XTC and They Might Be Giants show up for some reason.

Patrons can read it here, available for everyone else next Monday:

bev! boosted


your bun friend is embracing their name more, changing it on discord and birdsite.

still a bit afraid about it, though.

@mavica I only know one XTC song, "Senses Working Overtime," so I can't really say.

The song itself is rather silly, talking about cherries in trees.

@mavica Oh yeah, I should've pointed out the game show is based on the "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" educational games.

@mavica I've ripped the album and probably will put it up alongside the post because I want people to listen along to these rather bizarre songs.

This is the kind of unusual video game-adjacent junk that I live for.

@mavica I mean, it's clearly an album for kids but it's so bizarre.

@mavica Well, I was reading an article about a rumored "lost episode" of a game show, which reminded me about a soundtrack CD I had of said game show.

The album mostly consists of the show's host singing about distant families, bugs, and cake.

It's also got songs by XTC and They Might Be Giants for some reason.

@mavica you wanna hear about something I've been writing about for my blog?

Ah, time to listen to that late '80s Santana album that one of the composers of the US Sonic CD soundtrack played keyboards on


your bun friend is gonna try to take it easy today.

brutal doom creator, suicide mention 

@mavica The creator Sgt. Mark IV is somewhat infamous for being kind of a terrible person, like one time telling a user on a forum to commit suicide.

Surprising no one he's banned from most Doom-centric communities for said bad behavior.

He's also stolen content from other creators without giving proper permission, but that's only a minor gripe compared to the first thing.

Today I learned the Brutal Doom guy is making a spiritual successor called Brutal Fate.

Just when I thought we were over Brutal Doom... :blobugh:


Listening to Santana's Sacred Fire live album.

Lots of deep cuts, then stuff like Black Magic Woman and Oye Como Va.

It's alright but with each song being like over 5 minutes makes it a bit tougher for me to listen to in its entirety.

Feel like I want to do something, like play a game but just can't decide on what

Hate feeling indecisive.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!