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Roseanne being a crazy fringe right-wing nutjob got her sitcom cancelled.

That's better than my solution of "pull a Hogan Family and kill her character off, making the show about the Conners instead."

an enlightening revelation (~) 

I may have pity on myself for not doing a lot of life stuff at my age.

But at least I'm not a decrepit internet edgelord like the Amazing Atheist who makes unfunny jokes about Chelsea Manning's suicide attempt.

*That* is pretty sad.

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6:30am is a really good time to do things such as:

- wash the dishes
- put away clothes
- take out garbage
- have an existential life crisis wondering if you've wasted your life at 32
- watch stuff on twitch dot tv

so much sleep, not enough productivity.

and it's 4am and I should be in bed but I'm not.

idea: bill nye the science guy theme 10 hour seamless loop except every other loop switches to bill bill bill bill bill 10 hours for 10 minutes before switching back.

the chorus to Crazy in Love is stuck in my head right now and I don't know how to feel about this.

politics, mood (-) 

All the terrible stuff happening in the US makes me lose faith in everything.

I keep feeling like we're just gonna fall into being a fascist state and there's nothing I (or anyone else) can do to stop it.

All in the name of making America "great."

Fuck everything.

welcome to mexican city


Daft Punk's Aerodynamic but using samples from Strong Bad's "The System is Down."

send toot

I know we had this dog and pony show last year with Call of Duty, but it still amuses me when straight-ass white men whine about the most insignificant garbage.

and 9 times out of 10 it *is* a straight white dude bitching.

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people getting angry at Battlefield V having women fighters in WWII because of "historical accuracy" is hilarious because it's Battlefield which has never been about historical accuracy.

Had a dream where I was exploring the outside of an old, dying mall.

It resembled something from 30-40 years ago, with lots of fake brick and a musty interior.

Inside there was a package given to a new art group I had started but forgot the name of.

I think my brain's telling me to explore the world soon.

LB: Man, I knew Wikia/Fandom was a trash fire but I didn't think it was *this* bad.

bev! boosted

As a reminder, both the Touhou Wiki and Doom Wiki moved off of Wikia a long time ago and Wikia stepped in to revive the Wikias with new admins and added aggressive SEO to them to combat them trying to leave

Don't support Wikia


An example of his "comedy":

Rando fur: "I'd love to do similar cons like these in California."

Idiot: "I'm gonna run a con at the Goodwill every Saturday and Sunday."

Like why the fuck are you interjecting with this?

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I'm in a telegram group for a forthcoming furry con happening later this summer.

There's a guy in there who keeps butting into the normal conversations to give unfunny "jokes."

Said guy and I have an issue stemming from an old furry party years ago.

I really wish he'd fuck off and go away already.

I've been feeling a weird tinge of inspiration over the past month.

It hasn't lead to me really doing a lot of new/creative things, but my mood feels better? idk.

Sonic R may have a reputation for having corny music, but it's *good* music.

There's a reason I put Richard Jacques in my top 5 favorite game composers.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!