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Time to change my display name as a teaser for a future blog post. :P

I say this because I'm not sad and depressed but I'm certainly aware of the garbage fire going on outside that I can't really control. :blobupsidedown:

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I'm starting to think 🙃 is a good way to describe "happy but realizing the world around them is slowly killing itself"

I'm okay. Maybe need pats or hugs to affirm my okayness.

Woke up earlier this morning thinking about Nintendo's eReader and the dozens of cards I own.

Then realized that's one of several things I've written over the years that I never bothered to publish.

I should totally give that another shot.

I sifted through a bag of change my dad found and there were some neat coins in there, including a Mexican dollar from the late '90s, some East Caribbean currency, even an Irish pound.

Way better than the dozens of pennies I found in the same bag.

We're cooking lasagna and I didn't know what it was exactly, so while I was getting the gist, I said "so like a pizza cake"

damn it, duke nukem

tired. I blame the turkey breast I ate.

now I'm probably gonna be up all night again, whee

bev! boosted

One of my unusual sound holy grails is how the heck they made that poppy snare sound in She Drives Me Crazy that a few other songs also use, like Savage Garden's I Want You.

Like what drum machine is that from

I should totally tackle my backlog of games!


*plays a bunch of Pinball Arcade instead*

Seeing a video called "gender reveal fails"

it's ~straight couples~ doing the "it's a boy/girl" thing in the most obtuse way

On the bright side it's funny when it goes wrong, at least.

just about at the "dry, cracked, peeling skin" phase of my sunburn from 3 days ago.

it sucks.

I went to one of those rallies yesterday.

Got to see the camp at the ICE building.

Hours after I got home, I just now realized my face and arms are sunburnt.

I'm at a McDonald's and they're playing Break My Stride.

Y'all I don't know what to feel right now.

A friend on Facebook shared one of those MTV Video Mods music videos.

I had to shamelessly plug my blog article on the subject.

I'm such a dork.

mh, ~ 

I just talked myself out of thinking something was my fault when it was a non-issue not even related to me.

Granted, I technically wrote it down in a notebook I had lying on my desk because it's 4AM and it's a bit more quieter than actually talking to myself.

This big goober is just sprawled over this chair like it ain't no thing

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!