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Finally went through my "music pool" playlist chronologically.

Started with Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" from 1956.

Ended with Neil Cicierega's "Shit" from 2017.

61 years of music. From rock, to rap, to... weird mashups. It was a fascinating experiment, at least.

I'm near the end of my MP3 collection, and it's clear I don't have a lot of stuff after 2000.

And I have a *lot* of goofy/meme songs like Jungle All the Way.

trans culture, fashion 

as I start to understand trans culture more, I've realized that flannel shirts and long colorful socks is trans culture. there anything else I'm missing?

bev! boosted

oh hey, I forgot I have the tune that was used for the Matrix lobby scene.

bev! boosted

Found out a friend from a community I'm a part of linked to my recent blog post about some obscure James Bond game on the Genesis.

It seems to have given me a slight bump in views, so there's that. ❤

I went through my CD collection and while I got a bunch of scores and soundtracks, I have such wonderful classics like Chumbawamba's Tubthumper, Lou Bega's A Little Bit of Mambo, and the freakin' Macarena.

What does that say about me

bev! boosted


Hi, my character is a squirrel.

They're cute. At least I think so.

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The house across the street apparently is having a jam session right now, as I can hear it from my house.

Though it seems the guitarist is doing little more than doing occasional twangs while the bass and drums play the same part over and over again.


Hi, my character is a squirrel.

They're cute. At least I think so.

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I keep forgetting my character is a squirrel.

Thus in a discord when everybody posts squirrels I realize they're not really thinking of me.

Maybe I should mention it more?

Controversial opinion: I think They Might Be Giants' Flood is massively overrated.

Apollo 18's a much better album.

I seem to have a lot of music from 1991.

Compared to most of the late '80s, where I don't have nearly as much.

A few nights ago I was like "some pickles would be nice at 2AM."

So I tried to open an unopened jar of pickles. I am not a strong person, so I tried for what felt like a half-hour before giving up.

Cut to today, where I try again, and I twist the lid off *instantly*.

I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

I shared curvy Isabelle from Animal Crossing on birdsite and I think I'm gonna go to hell for that.

bev! boosted

Cis & trans ppl relationships 

In the first few months after my wife came out to me I spent a lot of time being constantly asked “are you going to stay together” so much so that it made me doubt myself. “Success” stories of ppl staying together through a transition and especially when they are married are still elusive to find so I like to be as visible as possible about it. It’s been near enough four years now & watching her become the woman she wanted to be has been an honour.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

here's a commission i just got from ! it is of a friend's character and she is very cute and good

they just opened commissions recently and you should check them out!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!