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I ate some ice cream this morning. Why? because fuck the rules.

New on the Secret Area: Ghosts I-IV for Quake, a mod that asks "what if you replaced Quake's soundtrack with different Nine Inch Nails music?"

Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.

bev! boosted

macho man randy savage levels are holding at 41%

(41%) ■■■■□□□□□□

bev! boosted

it's called a socks proxy because you have to wear cute socks to use it

earlier today I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

I feel better but god I hate when that happens.

send hugs my way or something

Another day, another time where I'm touch-starved.

There really isn't a whole lot I can do about it, but I can always dream.

sometimes I get annoyed when I'm not productive every day, feeling like I wasted the entire day.

it sucks.

bev! boosted

duct tape levels are currently severe

(100%) ■■■■■■■■■■

Oh right, Buzzr's airing a Match Game Hollywood Squares Hour marathon.

A show that hasn't been seen in 35 years and I thought would never, ever be reran, is now being shown again.

What a trip.

Huh, seems a tumblr post I made years ago about seeing an old TV/VCR combo showing Sister Act at an Oregon state office is getting traction again.

It just feels weird to see notifications for that years after I posted it.

bev! boosted

Currently in my head: That sick slap bass riff in Animotion's Obsession:

Minor update on the website thing:

Still trying to find a good hosting and domain for cheap, and one preferably with Wordpress integration for seamless transition.

Yes, I know good hosting and cheap are probably two circles that don't overlap, but it's worth a shot.

you know, I was fairly indifferent to pokemon characters.

Then I saw a cute piece of lucario art and now I'm team lucario all the god damn way.

bev! boosted

you're reading that right - bed levels are at 95%

(95%) ■■■■■■■■■□

birdsite, gg bullshit 

The Escapist, which said late last year "HEY, WE'RE LEAVING POLITICS AT THE DOOR" decided to abandon that strategy in lieu of writing an article about "ethics in games journalism" that mentions Gamergate.

Bonus, Zoe Quinn herself went off on the site and Russ Pitts, the EIC basically doubled down on excuses until he eventually corncobbed.

It's almost noon here and I want to go back to sleep

Shoutout to @Xkeeper for referring to terrible people as clowns.

It works oddly well.

uspol, state of the union 

Not watching the thing because the last thing I need to hear right now is a clown spout the same bigoted bullshit he's been saying since 2016. 🤡

I was watching some speedrun of bad games and they played Savage on the Amiga, which probably has the most amazing soundtrack I've heard on that system:

I saw someone mention Dragon Tales and it reminded me of a dude I knew from a game show community who was *really really* into that show.

I don't have much else to say after that really

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!