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so apparently it's the 20th anniversary of dust2 in Counter-Strike.

Global Offensive just got an update where they added a "retro" dust2 that the game will switch between each round.

The map feels a bit smaller than the 1.6 version but it's still neat

granted I could probably just use foo_skip through foobar2000 but eh.

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old-school classic rock band: "We got these cool audio interludes before some of the tracks on our album."

me: "cool, lemme just remove those in an audio editor so it's easier to listen to the tracks on their own, hope that's alright."

by the way if this band idea ever happens I wanna be on drums

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stupid idea: a band that consists of nothing but trans/nonbinary members.

the name of the band would mention the trans flag somewhere because might as well go all-in on the gimmick.

bev! boosted

PSA: Keen Dreams on switch (don't buy it) (nazis, violence) 

don't buy, dude who re-released it is a nazi weirdo trying to buy up old retro games and re-release them with edits about shooting protestors

I need to find a podcast that just talks about inane bullshit like Idle Thumbs/Important If True did.

Something that isn't on the cusp of current events, but highlights goofy things regular podcasts don't talk about often.

Because I need something dumb and funny in my life.

Listened to a few Art of Noise tracks and forgot how good their cover of the Dragnet theme was.

Now I want someone to make an avant-garde synthpop cover of like, the theme to Law and Order, or something

I started thinking about an old bit from Important If True and got sad again because I still miss Idle Thumbs.

Oh well, at least it brought us the legacy of Wax House, Baby.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Oh right, I forgot I started a Patreon a month or so back.

Time to add Patreon buttons and links on the blog for anyone who wants to give me money, for some reason.

I'm slowly acknowledging my often-neglected squirrel sona more and more

cause this fediverse needs more squirrels.

Oh no, a thing on birdsite has made me pine for IRC and forums again

woke up with Talking Heads' "Take Me to the River" in my head and now I've been listening to it on loop for the past half hour

might as well update my profile to better reflect who I am right now.

Love that Spotify decides to ignore my startup options and start up when I boot Windows, even though I told it not to.

mh (-) 

today was a day where I slept in because I wasn't feeling very good.

I usually don't like these days because I feel like I've failed in doing things, and it leads me to being up in the middle of night all alone.

nsfw conversations with non-friends (cont.) 

On birdsite, I followed two notable furries I'm familiar with but not friends with (yet).

I try not to be flirty with them because of that lack of connection. Eventually I'll muster up the courage to talk to them and go from there.

But until then, I'll just like their posts. It's not like they could see my replies considering my AD account on there is locked. :blobtongue:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!