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Had some spicy chicken sandwiches for dinner tonight. They were incredibly spicy but so good.

I then thought of this dumb video as I was eating them:

Something I need to do in the near future is get in touch with some of my genderfluid/nonbinary friends and ask em about their experiences and how they figured it out and such.

I think I'm slowly getting a vague idea of what I might be...

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I don’t know what happened but Instagram had some sort of hiccup and now a lot of my feed (most of the ads) have the caption “But you cannot simply just make content” and I’m crying at the beauty of this masterpiece of social commentary.

It's weird to go from feeling absolutely terrible to feeling alright thanks to me thinking a certain word was funny and stifling laughter late at night.

I got my first "sponsored content for your website" email yesterday.

I pretty much ignored it because I didn't wanna put a sponsored blog post for $50 or something that was just for "SEO juice."

Since I'm too poor and behind-the-times to play Remedy's new game Control, I opted for the next best thing:

LB: To this day I wanna find the tweet on birdsite of someone (jeremy parish, I think?) breaking open a VGA case to get to the game boy game inside.

That's what you should do with VGA-graded crap.

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VGA graded games are such a hilarious scam. Here’s a game that’s readily available for $50 new being sold for $170 because someone put it in a block of plastic and gave it an arbitrary number? Sure, why not.

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birdsite link, ion fury controversy 

welp, I guess it's okay to pirate Ion Fury again.

New on the Secret Area: I plunge back into the world of eurojank with Alpha Prime, a mid-2000s Czech FPS that's... interesting.

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selfie (ec) 

Might as well try taking selfies and see if people like my looks, I guess

Day three of being sick.

Really wish I was a little better. :/

affection, drugs mention (~) 

Want to snuggle with friends, but no friends are close by.

This seems to happen often when I take certain medicine...

Updated an old blog post about Chaser, a eurojank shooter. I had been thinking about it again recently after playing Alpha Prime, another eurojank shooter.

I feel bad having to use that term, but there were a *lot* of games in the 2000s that had their heart in the right place, just not enough polish to be amazing.

Still have a soft spot for them, though. They give experiences no major AAA game can give me, that's for sure.

bev! boosted

only nerds Constantly Online will get this:

(opening riff)

I got like several episodes of Card Sharks, Press Your Luck and other game shows on my DVR that I should watch.

Those shows are quite alright.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!