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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Lately I've been watching this Twitch stream of random Doom speedrun demos.

It's oddly mesmerizing.

Oh, right.

Tomorrow's that day. That day for America when everything turned on its head and basically fucked over the rest of the world ever since.

Always love when that time comes around... :blobupsidedown:

I always feel bummed when I feel like I didn't do something cool today.

I mean, it's not like I did *nothing* but I sometimes think I just wasted my time playing games and watching dumb shit rather than something more productive.

bev! boosted

old friends (~) 

Facebook reminded me today is a friend's birthday. Said friend is someone I've known for a long time.

She has basically disappeared from the internet, her last message was from 2017.

There's always those moments where I wonder if they're doing okay.

If they're still with us.

1401 songs is good enough for a playlist, right? :blobthinking:

bev! boosted

buddy, the only "contrapoints" i care about are... ok you know the game "contra"? also you can probably score points in it, i guess. anyway you can basically figure out where i'm going with this. i'm basically doing verbal irony or whatever

selfie, ec 

Got my hair cut. I like how this looks.

bev! boosted

lefty youtube, mildly spicy take 

Contrapoints gatekeeping people based on whether or not they "pass" is gross.

Can we stop supporting her and her work at this point? These keep happening, and it's tiring to see it crop up again and again.

bev! boosted

Well, this morning started off great.

I was panicking why I couldn't send emails through Thunderbird.

Turns out I forgot to get an "app password" from Microsoft. Used the one it gave me, and I could send emails in Thunderbird again.

Technology is great sometimes but also frustrating.

The soundtrack to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film from 30 (!!!) years ago has some hot jams.

Like this one:

Had some spicy chicken sandwiches for dinner tonight. They were incredibly spicy but so good.

I then thought of this dumb video as I was eating them:

Something I need to do in the near future is get in touch with some of my genderfluid/nonbinary friends and ask em about their experiences and how they figured it out and such.

I think I'm slowly getting a vague idea of what I might be...

bev! boosted

I don’t know what happened but Instagram had some sort of hiccup and now a lot of my feed (most of the ads) have the caption “But you cannot simply just make content” and I’m crying at the beauty of this masterpiece of social commentary.

It's weird to go from feeling absolutely terrible to feeling alright thanks to me thinking a certain word was funny and stifling laughter late at night.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!