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birdsite, brands 

Okay, using the Sonic movie to advertise Jack in the Box's new tiny tacos is... certainly a thing.

bev! boosted

What if we put Sailor Moon's head on top of Sailor Moon's body! 

It'd look something... like this!

bev! boosted

It's Martin Luther King day, adjusted to the next monday so federal employees get more three-day weekends.

Read you a Letter From Birmingham Jail:

A guy I respect said everyone should read it three times: first just to read it, second to appreciate/study it as a masterpiece of composition & rhetoric, and thirdly and most importantly to /deeply/ consider the message as it applies to you, today, right now, in real life. If you're white and american, that letter is addressed to *you*.

Still feeling tired today, but at least I'm getting some things around the house done, which is the more important thing.

calling people cute, fears 

Still getting used to complimenting people a lot.

Admittedly I'm afraid I might be developing crushes just on how many cute people there are, though...

bev! boosted

hmmm yes, the non-binary flag represents jolteon, sylveon, espeon, and umbreon

they are all enbies

bev! boosted

The idea that Y2K wasn't actually a big deal because nothing big ended up going down because of it is an *incredibly* dangerous error in thought.

Y2K didn't end up being a big deal because *tens of thousands of programmers* spent *millions of hours* making sure that it wasn't.

unusual earworms 

today is a day where apparently I have get the most bizarre earworms, as the parody of The Wall that Anthony Fantano did to criticize The Nostalgia Critic's review of The Wall is stuck in my head.

I was up 'til 2am last night poking around in destiny 2 garbage and woke up around six hours later.

I slept several hours without interruption. Felt weird, I'm so used to sleeping in 1-2 hour chunks.

video games, asian stereotypes 

I'm rewriting an old article I wrote about the original Shadow Warrior and I had to replay it to get some screenshots.

Hoo-boy this game has a lot of fairly ugly asian stereotypes in it

bev! boosted

honestly need to find more people to follow on here.

I've been on mastodon for two years and I need to stop like, browsing the local/federated timelines constantly.

upsides to coffee: kicking my soda habit
downsides to coffee: being way too energetic and not having any easy way to expend it


It's weird how I have difficulty having hype or love for something.

Something more negative though, I can do that easily.

Brains are stupid.

silly pokemon opinion 

why everybody gotta love scorbunny when his evolved form cinderace is better

Have an idea for a future blog post, the problem is I only have a few entries for it, and one entry is one I wanna save for it's own piece.

...anyone know of any video game composers recycling their music in other games? :blobtongue:

there's a handful of people here on the fediverse and elsewhere whom I haven't talked to a while.

I hope they're doing okay. Wouldn't mind giving them a hug and asking how they're doing.

bev! boosted

(while washing my hair) this would be a great time for some donations

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sona ideas 

someone complimented my bunny sona idea after I gave her the summary of it and it makes me actually more eager to wanna get a drawing/reference :blobcatmelt:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!