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bev! boosted

This'll do for now until I get my new glasses.

Hopefully that won't be a long wait.

I totally forgot I wrote an article about Snoop Dogg being in video games.

Still kinda proud of that one, tbh

bev! boosted

frustration, vision 

I haven't felt this off about not having glasses since that time I went camping in an RV with family and forgot to grab my glasses before we left.

It was just as frustrating then as it is now.

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frustration, vision 

yesterday, my glasses that I had for about 15 years finally broke off at the hinge.

I was gonna go try to get new ones but I also wanted an eye exam.

the earliest I could get in with one place was a week from now.

I'm so frustrated because I wanted to get cute glasses today, damn it :blobfrown:

While I slowly update my old blog posts, I've noticed that at this point I've been updating more 2015-2017 stuff than like, 2013-2014 stuff.

I've also lost track of what hasn't been updated yet, so it's entirely possible I might have updated every blog post of a specific year.

Looks like another "Revisiting Old Secrets" might be coming sooner than I thought.

New on the Secret Area: It's Stacked with Daniel Negreanu, a poker video game famously proclaimed as "Halo with chips."

Is it really poker without the guns, or is it a bust?

bev! boosted

social media, interaction 

I wanna try to get better at talking to people and responding on social media

My passive nature of liking/boosting frustrates me because I should be giving dumb comments and compliments to people, they deserve that more than me just hitting the boost button

Hate feeling tired and under the weather lately.

Current mood: That tune that played on Prevue Guide in the 1990s when something broke.

I mean, I have money. I can *commission* art now.

The challenge is finding a good affordable artist.

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Thought about resurrecting my mostly-dormant squirrel sona so they look more in line what I wish they looked like.

Also so I could dress them up and such

gender, shopping 

Wish it wasn't so hard to shop for clothes by myself.

I need someone with me to make it less stressful.

Seems I choose a bad day to get a haircut as it's hot as balls out. :blobonfire:

If I ever get the chance to see some online friends, we're cuddling in thigh-highs.

This is non-negotiable.

I realize that I don't post a lot, and when I do it's like 2-3 things daily.

I feel like if I post a lot that I'm gonna annoy people, so I don't.

I also figure a 34-year-old like me should not be shitposting.

continuing random gender thought, one day later 

I'm still struggling to grasp this, as my thought process is "unless I purge all this body hair, I am not feminine"

"I need to be smooth otherwise why should I wear my thigh-highs or my dress"

Is that normal, or

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Oops, I forgot to post it to Mastodon (sorry!) that I made a new post on the Secret Area Patreon about Stacked with Daniel Negreanu, a poker game with a rather infamous quote from a certain magazine.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!