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That moment when you realize your blog theme and color makes links hard to see in posts.

Thank goodness I figured out how to put underlines on a link. And I'm not even good at CSS/HTML stuff.

Listening to SomaFM's Underground 80s station has made me aware that the Jetzons did more than Hard Times and I'm here for it

bev! boosted

a mastodon instance for highly tooting about socks

bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area: Here's some Weekend Writing about Far Cry 4, the myriad of problems it has, and the pitfalls of sunk cost fallacy.

Likes and shares are appreciated, as always.

I'm probably weird but I will always appreciate any art where the character has a simple design but their shoes are *highly* detailed

bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area Patreon, I talk about Far Cry 4, its problems and the pitfalls of sunk cost fallacy.

I published it late last night, so it's a Weekend Writing post that I'll post to everyone next Sunday. Or for $1 you can read it now.

selfie (no ec) 

Speaking of, here's a pic of me in my new glasses.

People are saying I look cute but I'm not 100% certain

Got new glasses yesterday.

Currently at the "learning to adjust my vision to the new prescription" phase.

It kinda sucks at the moment but I look a bit cute so it balances out

current social media timeline: video games!

this is why I just watch it with friends and talk about it on discord and just ignore timelines for like the next 2 hours

follow me on mastodon for cool game show content™️

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Seeing Jeopardy! air old episodes as summer filler has got me in a mode to get nerdy about game shows for the first time in a long while

New on the Secret Area Patreon, I talk about Far Cry 4, its problems and the pitfalls of sunk cost fallacy.

I published it late last night, so it's a Weekend Writing post that I'll post to everyone next Sunday. Or for $1 you can read it now.

alcohol mention 

apparently when I get drunk I tend to say "honey" and "sweetie" a lot to people

perhaps I should say that more in general? gives a kind vibe that I like

alcohol mention, affection 

that snuggling peeps thing is still on offer jsyk

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alcohol mention 

update still kinda drinking but at the phase where i'm probablt gonna wind down

wish people wenre't so far away, I wanna snuggle peeps

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alcohol mention 

just drinking some whisky and listening to the eagles while I think about my life choices

how's your evening going

late 2000s era YouTube game reviewing is fascinating because there's some people like Derek from Stop Skeletons from Fighting that slightly pivoted their content as time went on and still make good stuff as a result.

On the other hand you end up with some youtube reviewers that fall right into the "SJWs are RUINING MY VIDEO GAMES" trap. and that's pretty sad, honestly.

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For some reason I was trying to find this bad youtube review of some dude who reviewed that Battleship video game for the 360 and the dude's "gimmick" was him having anime plushies talk to them like they're from G-Unit.

I don't expect the review to be any *good*, but I always like torturing myself with bad game reviews.

I wrote about 1800 words about Far Cry 4.

Now to put that game aside and play something different, perhaps something janky like Wanted: Weapons of Fate or Turning Point: Fall of Liberty.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!