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your bun friend got actual sleep, at decent hours!

bun still feels sleepy though 😪

So I wrote 1500 words about an album made to promote a kids game show that has the show's host singing on about 2/3rds of the album.

Also it has XTC and They Might Be Giants on it for some reason

movies, james bond 

a trailer for no time to die has me think of one of the best/worst ideas I had:

reviewing all 24 James Bond films before the premiere of the film in November.

probably should've thought of that months ago, though... :blobupsidedown:

why I've been doing "your bun friend" lately 

I've been doing "your bun friend" announcements alongside morning greetings for the past few days just so people get a better idea on what's going on with me today.

But also to affirm that yes, I'm bunny


your bun friend is still somewhat tired, but motivated to do something today.

Was cleaning the living room and wondering why the vacuum wasn't picking up stuff.

Seems the vacuum was set to hose mode, and I was using the standard floor mode. :blobfacepalm:

It seems I will always eternally be behind on things.

Right now I'm watching Jason from Giant Bomb play Maneater. This video was made back in June.

I commend those that can keep up with audio/video creators without feeling overwhelmed or distracted


your bun friend isn't feeling 100% great at the moment. :bunhdsad:

uspol/covid-19, internet person says dumb thing 

Okay I wasn't expecting Ben Heck to be one of those people that would fall for the "CDC reported 6% of deaths in the US were caused by COVID-19" lie that right-wing pundits are peddling right now

Never meet your idols, etc

huh, I forgot I was still subscribed to the Cards Against Humanity newsletter. 😬

lemme just quickly unsubscribe from that...

I have like three blog ideas for this month, and they're all game show related in some fashion.

Now to choose which ones to write about...

Huh, my blog broke the monthly viewing record again, with 715 views in August over 688 in July.

The view counts rising month over month makes me happy, and gives me that proper incentive to keep going.

Lately I've been talking on discord with a few friends to pass the time during the evenings

While I may not talk a lot on them, it makes me feel more comfortable than just talking to myself or putting on a video or podcast alone

It's that sort of thing I need more of, so I don't feel alone as much

for some reason parts of olivia newton-john's "magic" has been stuck in my head since I woke up from a nap.

of all the songs to have stuck in my head right now, it had to be *that* one?

I may not be seeking relationships right this moment but I am totally seeking cuddleships.

wait do those even exist

bev! boosted

so this boy walks up to the counter and screams "rhythm! heaven! now!" and his mom says "daniel we cant keep doing this"

bev! boosted

selfies, ec :boost_ok: 

I took a shower today and decided to try one of the pairs of shorts I got.

They're a bit snug but I think they look cute on me regardless.

morning, folks.

your bun friend is still having sleep problems, sorry 😪

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!