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in spite of my hard drive mishap I'm starting to get the itch to convert some VHS tapes again

especially since brutalmoose just put out a mystery tapes video

New on the Secret Area: It's a week late but I finally wrote a roundup on the stuff I bought at Portland Retro Gaming Expo.

Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.

bev! boosted

I'm looking for a replacement top shell for my midnight purple 3ds which is cracked. I remember seeing AliExpress listings for replacement shells where every bit was cloned but the top shell was refurbished from original, though they were never in stock. Now I can only find clone remakes that don't quite look right. Does anyone have any idea how I could find this? Boosts appreciated.

I love when I discover a tune in the strangest places

In this case: It was audio technical difficulties during a broadcast of High Rollers, of which the local station ran this bop:

okay it wasn't as much of a ride as I thought it would be but hey

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gonna watch the VP debate while on painkillers, this'll be a ride

look, people clown on sports games and how disposable they can be, but they can be fun

even to a doofus like me who hasn't watched a basketball game in a long while

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Played NBA 07 on PS3, one of the first PS3 games that supported "FULL HD 1080p"

turns out I am terrible at a 2006-era basketball game as the Charlotte Bobcats whipped my Portland Trailblazers by 40+ points

and that was *after* lowering the difficulty!

bev! boosted

I've since taken the drive out, and looked for a data recovery solution so it's only a minor crisis but dang, it sucks

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hearing the "whirr-click-click" of a dying hard drive is not how I wanted to start my morning :blobunamused:

since I've been feeling this pain the past few days, I'm starting to completely understand why folks don't want to be human

bev! boosted

Ordering donuts at midnight is a good idea, right

god I love timbales

amazing percussion instrument

makes songs better

bev! boosted

new on the #linkcache

The US Ruler - Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans? Then this tool is for you!

Your Name in Landsat - Type in your name (or any word, really) and see it spelled using satellite images of the Earth!

Look Scanned - Upload a PDF to this website and make it look like the pages have been printed and then scanned back into your computer, without the hassle of doing it for real.

bev! boosted

"nsfw" "sfw" forget this I'm making a "swf" account. you must have flash player installed to see this content

bev! boosted

me: *drops phone without case on concrete*
me: "please don't be cracked"
the phone:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!