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slept awkwardly thanks to attention-seeking cat, went out for a walk, and still feel no drive to do anything.

someone yank me away from here for like, a day or so

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

masto (+) 

"delete and redraft" is the greatest thing because of the dozens of times I realized I've left out something just after I sent it.

Saves me having to copy-and-paste the post before remaking it, then deleting the earlier one manually.

lukewarm music take: the songs sampled for Daft Punk songs are often better than the actual Daft Punk song.

example: this tune, Release the Beast, fuckin' slaps. the Daft Punk song that samples it, Robot Rock, doesn't.

Google Sheets ui gripes 

Sometimes when I want to copy a column of numbers so it adds sequential numbers to each row, the key to do that changes.

If it's just numbers, It's Control.

If it's a number with brackets in it, it's Shift.

If it's a date, no key needs to be held.

Why can't these be consistent?

Seems I have now started a stupid game collecting quest:

Replacing all my multiplatform games I own on PS2 or Gamecube with the Xbox version. Because Xbox is more powerful or something.

This will possibly backfire.

uspol, gender 

I am so not in the mood to deal with this nazi bullshit the Trump administration's pulling with redefining the gender thing.

All I can do is basically protest and tell members of my congress to not follow their policies.

I encourage y'all to do the same.

I did this because I'm going to the Portland Retro Gaming Expo and need a reference of what games I own so I can find out what games I want/need.

Even if I don't play most of them. :blobupsidedown:

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Decided to catalog all my console video games.

I have 573 games from 2600 to Wii U.

...I think I have a problem.

what does one do to get the motivation to write about something

(or to do whatever hobby you enjoy)

Tonight's random music listen: The score from the TV show CHiPs.

dig that 70s disco sound, baby

bev! boosted

“Y’all” is a superior plural pronoun. “Ain’t” is a perfectly good contraction. “Reckon” is a fantastic verb for describing when you are of an opinion. “Yonder” is the only word to describe that way over there.

I got that Jack Black/Tenacious D Saxaboom riff stuck in my head.

I'm also realizing how similar it sounds to Axel F or Megalovania, depending on how old you are.

I've been slowly trying to nix "dude" and "man" out of my vocabulary because I keep realizing saying that to a woman might give the wrong meaning.

Unless women here don't care if I use those to punctuate a sentence...

bev! boosted

Hi I spent like 20-30 minutes writing about how I sort my MP3 collection and the playlist I used, ama

I think my new favorite thing I'm into is mid-1980s pop rock, with that sort of slick production sound filled with synthesizers and such.

today I learned I haven't updated my video card's drivers since January.

I did not realize this fact until Quake Champions booted up saying "hey update your drivers, chump."

Admittedly I don't play anything that necessitates updates...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!