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vent, my cat 

Worse, my dad just handwaves it away going "Come on, she's almost 20 years old and probably getting senile, forgive her for once."

If she was doing this to things in your bedroom you'd be just as angry at her too, pal

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vent, my cat 

I hate having to readjust everything I had comfortably fine on my desk in the past year because she decides to be a goddamn klutz.

Before, I was safe having my speakers on my desk until my cat would lick and contort herself so my left speaker would keep getting knocked onto the floor.

Thank god there's a pillow where it always fell, otherwise that thing would've likely broke with how often she kept knocking it over.

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vent, my cat 

Love to be awake too early, yet again, because my cat in her permanent "can't stop licking my legs" phase, knocked stuff off my desk.


For the umpteenth time.

She keeps doing this and it makes me a cranky bitch because of it. :blobangery:

...I just realized that I'm probably using the wrong search feature as I found out there's a Playlist search in the main options.

Still frustrating, though.

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Searching things on foobar2000 seems needlessly complicated.

On Spotify, I can go to my favorite songs, type in a keyword (band name, song title) and it filters the whole playlist to show only that. Then I hit play.

On foobar2000, if I try to do that, it *blanks my whole playlist* and shows no results, forcing me to reupload my entire 1200+ song playlist back into the playlist manager so I have songs again.

Either I have foobar configured wrong or I don't have the right plugin installed.

bev! boosted

I've mentioned this before, but I honestly need to be more active on social media sites.

It looks like I'm always busy, but in reality I'm reading dumb shit and casually watching Twitch streams/listening to podcasts.

I just want to feel *productive*. I hate that feeling of constantly needing to do something but not really having any concrete idea on what to do.

Of all the things I'd find at thrift stores, a rare 2nd edition of the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire board game and Film Crew/Cinematic Titanic DVDs were the last thing I'd ever thought I'd find.

labels, lgbt 

There's moments where I'd love to say stupid crap like "im gay" or be part of some lesbian alliance.

But me being pansexual means not only am I undecided, but I also feel like I'm lying to everyone if I were to say either one of the above. :blobfrown:

podcasts, length 

Giant Bomb's GOTY podcasts are ridiculously long this year. Day one's over 3 hours. Today, day four, is *nearly six*.

Yeah, fuck that. I can barely listen to a podcast all the way through without pausing occasionally, I'm skipping all those this year.

it's getting cold outside, so remember to bring your squirrels inside and keep them warm and fuzzy

My body's idea of "let's feel sick two days before christmas" can go fuck itself. :blobangery:

Wow, Thursday was a useless day where I slept in and did nothing, let's hope I don't do that again today

I knew tumblr was gonna be a trash fire when they decided to be prudish fuckbois.

But to make it so safe mode is permanently on for me, a guy in my *fucking thirties*, and I cannot change it whatsoever, is peak fuckboi.

Fuck tumblr, I think there was only 1-2 people I was exclusively following there anyhow, anyone else can get a hold of me elsewhere.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Reminder: Kiwifarms and Encyclopedia Dramatica are not reliable sources. The sites and their contributors care far, far less about the truth than they do about generating outrage, and both are linked directly to 4chan and as such are inherently suspect.

I am saying this not in response to anything in particular, just as a general PSA. Do not trust Kiwifarms and ED. They care only about increasing your fear and anger. They do not have your best interests at heart.

bev! boosted

🎵 hey now
you're a kid now
you're a squid now
go play 🎵

bev! boosted

Computer Gaming World's Elliott Chin on Shadow Warrior's offensive racial humor (August 1997)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!