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It's sad to find out Who Wants to be a Millionaire is getting cancelled after being on for 17 years.

Gonna be weird to not see that show on.

bev! boosted

kick to the curb and come join, my new instance all about Gaelco's 1998 arcade pizza delivery racing game Radikal Bikers

bev! boosted

this is definitely an everyday scenario when you live in the U.S.A, right?

bev! boosted

help me resist the urge to spend $20 on knee-high socks at a time of year when they would be impractical

Youtuber drama, sexual content 

I may have done some really dumb-ass shit in my lifetime but at least I'm not ProJared who did some *really* heinous shit.

bev! boosted

introducing MALEware, the first software for MEN that pays YOU to surf the net! be sure to disable your antivirus before installing

I'm probably one of five people that miss Idle Thumbs and Important If True.

Why'd the hosts have to get *real* jobs >:(

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oops I decided to listen to an old idle thumbs podcast moment and now I have found a new name to use on this silly site

bev! boosted

i showed my friend joots (jean boots) and the he showed me the jower (jean power) of joutlets (jean outlets)

bev! boosted

It's kind of funny how revealing the "under UBI, nobody would HAVE to work, and so nobody WOULD work" attitude is.

I honestly think it's pretty hardcore if you're still on IRC in 2019, even when stuff like Telegram and Discord have taken over in popularity.

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Despite being on IRC for nearly 20 years, I still have to search how to do things like banning someone.

Is it weird to look through the episode guide of the Mario cartoons just to see who wrote episodes of the show

It's also why I'm boosting a bunch of stuff at 12:30am as I'd been mostly resting since about 8pm.

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Recovering from a sunburn. :blobonfire:

Went fishing for the first time in a long time. Caught nothing, except said sunburn.

It's also really interesting to go from the bustling streets of Portland to the more homely country parts of the state within a two hour drive and about 100 miles. It's pretty quaint.

bev! boosted

hey i don't hear enough genderfluid positivity so let's hear it in the crowd for genderfluid people

bev! boosted

bed time girl
she's been living in her bed time world

bev! boosted

(Billy Joel and Iggy pop voice) butt town girl

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!