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bev! boosted

Ubisoft, emoji text 

> Tom Clancy
> "Not Political"

:hacker_p: :hacker_i: :hacker_c: :hacker_k:
:hacker_o: :hacker_n: :hacker_e: :blobupsidedown:

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

folks they should call this "the danger zone" because of the number of "log ins" (loggins)

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bev! boosted

E3, concert scam

there's a FFVII orchestral "concert" at E3 and apparently almost all of it has just been the orchestra sitting in silence on a darkened stage while the original game audio is piped in over the PA


I've gotten so used to using they/them/theirs to refer to me now and it still feels a bit unusual after being basically "he/him" for 30+ years.

I made this dumb thing so people can start throwing it as a response to Ninja being mentioned on birdsite or elsewhere.

Feel free to use it.

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bev! boosted

I wasted 20-30 minutes editing an image meme to make fun of that twitch knob Ninja

how was your day

Watched a short-lived game show called "The Hollywood Game."

It's a game show that shows a lot of movie and TV clips.

I wonder if that's why it was short-lived...

The downside of favoriting songs on Spotify is when certain albums/tracks are pulled, you can't listen to them anymore. Or you end up hearing the wrong version.

No, Spotify, I don't want the bland original version of Steve Winwood's Valerie, I want the *remix*. That's what I put in my favorite songs, and that's the version I expect to hear.

Today I learned there's a Jumanji video game coming out. I don't know what to feel about this.

bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area: Let's review a three-year-old Loot Crate. It has some interesting stuff in here, I promise.

birdsite link, video games 

Wow, this portion of a trailer for Diabotical makes me never want to touch it ever, and I *like* arena shooters.

I never finished Persona 4 but it had some good jams, including that one.

It's one of those tunes that will still pop in my head once in a while.

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bev! boosted

stop using "loli" as a synonym for "little girl cartoon character" challenge 2019

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bev! boosted

i tell you, i hate nancy

it's a beautiful day


sigil is an alright little thing. fun, yet challenging in spots.

diehard fans might be spoiled by community megawads larger in scope but this is good enough.

I recommend playing on hurt me plenty, only play on ultra-violence if you hate yourself

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!