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nsfw conversations with non-friends 

There's something that bothers me.

When people post sexy pictures or kink, there's other people in the replies going into pervy details on what they'd want to do to that person.

I really don't like that. They likely don't know you, and you only know them from what they share. It just comes off as creepy to me.

Get to know each other first before making replies like that. Makes it more cute and intimate that way.

bev! boosted

I'm not watching the Square Enix E3 thing but I saw images of Tifa in the FFVII remake and I'm all for it

e3/video games, just dance 

Good to know Just Dance is still coming to the Wii, a video game console that will be 13 years old this November.

...Is it strange that the longevity of that game on that system makes me want to buy a copy even though I'm not a fan of Just Dance?

bev! boosted

Ubisoft, emoji text 

> Tom Clancy
> "Not Political"

:hacker_p: :hacker_i: :hacker_c: :hacker_k:
:hacker_o: :hacker_n: :hacker_e: :blobupsidedown:

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

folks they should call this "the danger zone" because of the number of "log ins" (loggins)

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bev! boosted

E3, concert scam

there's a FFVII orchestral "concert" at E3 and apparently almost all of it has just been the orchestra sitting in silence on a darkened stage while the original game audio is piped in over the PA


I've gotten so used to using they/them/theirs to refer to me now and it still feels a bit unusual after being basically "he/him" for 30+ years.

I made this dumb thing so people can start throwing it as a response to Ninja being mentioned on birdsite or elsewhere.

Feel free to use it.

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bev! boosted

I wasted 20-30 minutes editing an image meme to make fun of that twitch knob Ninja

how was your day

Watched a short-lived game show called "The Hollywood Game."

It's a game show that shows a lot of movie and TV clips.

I wonder if that's why it was short-lived...

The downside of favoriting songs on Spotify is when certain albums/tracks are pulled, you can't listen to them anymore. Or you end up hearing the wrong version.

No, Spotify, I don't want the bland original version of Steve Winwood's Valerie, I want the *remix*. That's what I put in my favorite songs, and that's the version I expect to hear.

Today I learned there's a Jumanji video game coming out. I don't know what to feel about this.

bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area: Let's review a three-year-old Loot Crate. It has some interesting stuff in here, I promise.

birdsite link, video games 

Wow, this portion of a trailer for Diabotical makes me never want to touch it ever, and I *like* arena shooters.

I never finished Persona 4 but it had some good jams, including that one.

It's one of those tunes that will still pop in my head once in a while.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!