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bev! boosted

proposed term (violent reactionary mentions) 

You know how we have TERF and SWERF to refer to reactionary bigots in feminism? I think we should have something for reactionary bigots in gaming.

I suggest Kyriarchy-Advocating Gamers, or KAGs.

"Ignore the KAGs - the new Lego DLC in Forza Horizon 4 is a lot of fun."

"Honestly, any company with a pander-to-KAGs marketing strategy in 2019 deserves to go under."

"A big part of the reason why KAGs became the way they are is historical: they came of age during an era when videogames were being marketed as a tool for boys to prop up their masculinity and never learned to question it."

it's early monday morning and I feel the urge to snuggle with someone.

lady or enby, doesn't matter. just want comfort...

Perhaps I'm missing the point of social media, but I'm always bummed when I post stuff that gets no engagement from anyone.

It makes me think I'm wasting my time expressing anything. :blobsad:

The upside of ripping music from CDs you have: More things to listen to.

The downside? Getting that compulsion to listen to new CDs *just* to rip the music from it, ignoring anything else previously ripped.

Since is about to start, a reminder that hiding the twitch chat will give you a much more enjoyable experience.

bev! boosted

tweets in screenshot 

@PaladinQuinn Thread by (display name 🎆Katlyn🎆):
If you're under the assumption that you're a cis guy but have always dreamed of being a girl, and the only reason you haven't transitioned is because you're afraid you'll be an "ugly" girl:

That's dysphoria. You're literally a trans girl already, hon.
Don't feel too bad about never realizing it. I just had this eureka moment myself.

But that's literally dysphoria. You feel discomfort being reminded of the disconnect between who you want to be (who you ARE) and what you look like.
(bonus reply not in screenshot)
The mental benefits of HRT are still worth it.

And honestly my standards for what I find beautiful changed SO much without testosterone in my system. It really is worth it. 💕

started thinking about that hot dance 98 version of block rockin' beats again and how cheaply made cover versions of songs are a lost art.

bev! boosted


It's a bummer when a dream involves someone you lost contact with and would love to hang out with again. :blobfrown:

bev! boosted

fun levels are currently severe

(02%) □□□□□□□□□□

me: "man, why does my website take ages to load"

website: *images are not optimized, causing long loads*


bev! boosted

death mention 

I felt like crap and barely slept this morning.

I then realized it's been 3 years since my mom passed.

It still hurts to realize she's gone. :blobsad:

bev! boosted

Controversial opinion: when it comes to Final Doom, The Plutonia Experiment is better than TNT Evilution.

At least Plutonia didn't have a lot of obtuse puzzles and ridiculous key hunts.

so apparently it's the 20th anniversary of dust2 in Counter-Strike.

Global Offensive just got an update where they added a "retro" dust2 that the game will switch between each round.

The map feels a bit smaller than the 1.6 version but it's still neat

granted I could probably just use foo_skip through foobar2000 but eh.

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old-school classic rock band: "We got these cool audio interludes before some of the tracks on our album."

me: "cool, lemme just remove those in an audio editor so it's easier to listen to the tracks on their own, hope that's alright."

by the way if this band idea ever happens I wanna be on drums

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!