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I played Alpha Prime this weekend and boy that game is hella eurojank.

Those are the kind of games I find some charm in even though I know they're not gonna be amazing games.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

uspol, shitpost 

Got one of those antifa milkshakes. Surprised Arby's would sell them!

coffee ice cream at 9am? fuck it, why not

for some reason I'm watching that video where dan ryckert makes a pizza roll omelet.

the dumb things that man does astounds me.

New on the Secret Area: I did a little weekend writing about replaying BioShock 2 through the Remastered Collection, and how it's surprisingly better than I thought it was.

Saw it happen again where someone posted a toot I had sent to someone else.

Am I hallucinating or something

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I was looking at my timeline yesterday and I swear I saw my website linked to an unrelated image on someone's toot.

Can't find it now.

Me: "This is meant for shorter and simpler posts so I can write more often"

*writes 1,300 words, roughly the average amount of words in a usual blog post*

so much for shorter and simpler...

woke up and thought of the silliest idea:

"why don't I write about stuff on the weekends about games I've been playing, or something."

I look at this as a positive in two ways: I get to actually tackle my backlog, and I get to keep writing something consistently.

Even if I don't publish every weekend, I should write about *something*.

loneliness, social anxiety (-) 

lately I've been staying up late too often, which leads me to watching videos/streams and listening to music. most often by myself.

There's friends who I wanna talk to but they're asleep. and I'm usually asleep or too tired in the day to really talk to them.

I need to fix this more than anything else. social anxiety is the worst.

music nerdery, loudness war 

I ripped most of Eric Clapton's August album. I already had two tracks off that album from a later Clapton compilation.

I re-ripped those tracks, honestly expecting no major differences. Turns out the compilation was a victim of that "loudness war" bullshit and was louder than the original release.

Granted, these aren't really a concern considering I use ReplayGain on everything, but it likely means a better sound in the long run.

bev! boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content 

We've been found out

rant about a meme, ableist slur 

really wish people would stop using the jojo "next you'll say I was only pretending to be retarded" meme.

bev! boosted

[doing the clapping between words thing] don't call yourself a "Foley artist" unless you've worked on the Beverly Hills Cop series

gender (~) 

There's so many things about this journey/exploration that are just... scary to me.

Exploring who I am is scary. Figuring out where I land on the identity spectrum is a process that stresses me out. Transition is a big deal and it makes me worry.

I praise those who eventually figured out who they are, and made those steps to becoming who they really want to be.

Maybe that'll be me some day, but it's tough to get through when I'm scared like this.

of all the songs stuck in my head right now, it had to be a beach boys song from that late '80s period everybody hates.

bev! boosted

One habit I need to eventually break:

Someone: *mentions a thing I wrote on my blog before*
Me: "Oh, I wrote about that once."
*doesn't share post in chat*

I seem to be real bad at advertising myself :blobupsidedown:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!