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I'm a simple person

I see Lucario, I love and share them

having that feeling where I want to do something but have no idea what, and having no energy on top of it.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted


The "theme" to Turner & Hooch is a nice jazzy jam and it always seems to pop in my head at weird times:

bev! boosted

"Hey Morty burp, I'm gonna say some toxic shit, but add juuust enough consideration and thought to make it unclear if the writer intended to make my argument or establish something about my character"

'aw gee Rick, that seems like poor writing'

"Don't worry, Morty, I know how to tell jokes and structure plot so people will assume my 'smart' writing applies to anything I say, rather than just my storytelling abilities"

'i still don't think we should wear that armband, Rick'

bev! boosted

tbh can we stop doing the thing with clothes and shoes and stuff where we have gendered women's sizes and men's sizes and they are offset from each other by some arbitrary amount and extremely not standardized between manufacturers
just like
have universal sizing

Of all the things I have to have in my head right now, it had to be the theme from Atop the Fourth Wall?! :blobugh:

Finished Darksiders.

A solid game that while taking from a dozen different games, still turns out to be a fun yet frustrating game.

I might write more about that game soon.

bev! boosted

Headlines like this make the game preservation conversation that much harder. The “long-lost” game that you could only get by going on eBay and spending all of $20

Will never not find charm in listening to game show themes that are heavy on the moog

In my house, we now have like 20+ six-packs of coca-cola bottles.

I think we've found the trick to make me stop drinking pop completely: An overabundance of it.

music, video games 

It's weird, the last time Valve added music kits to CS:GO before these recent additions was in 2016.

I might have to make a new blog post if they keep releasing new ones at this rate. :blobastonished:

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music, video games 

A while back, Valve added a music kit featuring some of Halo's music for those who own both CS:GO and Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which features a smattering of tracks from the first three games.

Problem is now I have to find out *which* track they used for each cue...

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music, video games 

for some reason Valve added a music kit for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive from "trap metal" musician Scarlxrd.

I've listened to it and... it's not great? Better than screechy metal and eurodance anthems to half-baked esports teams, but I'll stick with the other music kits I have, thanks.

I always feel like I'm cheating when I listen to a greatest hits album.

I immediately start thinking of that Doors sketch from Kids in the Hall, feeling like I'm a poser not getting the true experience.

bev! boosted

it's been really hard to "preserve white culture" by chugging cans of Axe Body Spray, Now For Men

vague attempt at being self positive 

just wanna be pretty...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!