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sona idea 

That moment when you see someone's fursona idea and suddenly have inspirations for a new character.

A shame I can't really draw, so I guess it stays on my mind unless I wanna write a description of what they look like.

birdsite, gaming discourse 

It's great to see people drag Mike Matei for his dumb gaming take about people using rewind features on old games.

bev! boosted

go apeshit. you wanna be a neon-colored psychedelic fuck-fractal made of infinity scottish voles? do it. be a magical girl. be the edgelord chuuni kid you were shy about being in high school. inherit this sinful earth and hammer your selfhood into a shape you feel comfortable occupying. go for fuckin' broke because if I know one thing it is that only the outlandish will save us

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Listening to the music of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and that is a damn underrated soundtrack.

It's got a nice chill feeling to it.

music nerdery 

So now I have two mixes of the same song, from different versions of the soundtrack.

Trevor Horn just *had* to make it complicated, didn't he? :blobrollingeyes:

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music nerdery 

I have the soundtrack to the oft-forgotten film Toys.

It has a remix of Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Welcome to the Pleasuredome."

The version I have, from a promo CD, has a different mix than that appears on the actual soundtrack.

Trevor Hoooooooorn! :blobangery:

bev! boosted

Reminded of an old bit of an Important If True episode and now I'm sad because I still miss Important If True :blobsad:

Why hasn't someone made a successor of that concept

music, racism mention 

They Might Be Giants' "Your Racist Friend" is a fitting song considering the current climate.

self, gender 

I participate in family photos and detest the way I look in them every time.

Though I doubt dressing as I want would make them look any better. :blobsad:

Got a new TV for Christmas and now I'm playing all the hot new games on it

It's Christmas eve so time to bust out the Christmas music for the next 48 hours

YouTube: "Oh, you're looking for this video? Okay, we'll resume it from the 20 minute mark back when you last randomly watched it a few months ago"

Me: "No, start from the goddamn beginning, you simpleton."

Earlier today I streamed Duke Nukem 3D: Nuclear Winter with a few friends and folks, that is A Bad Christmas Game

giant bomb, goty podcast 

day one of their GOTY deliberations is nearly 4 hours of them talking about this year's games.

Gonna skip these however many days of them spoiling games until they get to the actual award deliberations.

I honestly am floored they think *this* format is better than the old one where they'd deliberate over a category.

bev! boosted

my favorite Star Wars movie? that's right, it's................... Die Hard. bazinga


I'm halfway through a second can of mike's harder and already I'm a bit on the tipsy side :blobtongue:

gender, joke 

a typo I literally made while writing about a game:

"I try to dabble in other genders"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!