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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

It's weird, a year or so back I wouldn't be keysmashing whenever somebody calls me cute.

I almost do it out of habit now.

Probably doesn't mean anything...

bev! boosted


in the mood to snuggle cuties

I've been getting back on Rock Band drums for the first time in over a year, and the things I've learned:

- I suck at it
- My ION rocker might be having crosstalk issues
- I have a bad kick pedal
- I'm a better air drummer than I am drumming in a rhythm game

bev! boosted

Wore my new socks to bed last night, which felt cute, yet also made me feel valid?

Hard to explain.

Somebody said that I was experimenting with programmer socks.

Don't those have to be trans flag colored for that to count


My dad suggested I go find trans support groups, and find a group of people who'd be accepting of me dressing more femme in a public environment.

Two things I did well before even coming out to him about the whole gender thing.

His heart's in the right place, at least.

bev! boosted

on being touch starved 

I went back to sleep for a bit.

Before I properly fell asleep, I started thinking about someone I knew on birdsite who always talked about being touch starved.

How painful it was for her to not have someone to hold, hug or caress.

I realized I have the same problem, as I held onto a pillow wishing it was someone hugging me back.

Being touch starved really sucks. :blobfrown:

blurgh, it's early in the morning and I'd rather be back in bed, snuggling

gender (+) 

of course about an hour after this conversation, I immediately buy two pairs of socks from sock dreams that I've been eyeballing for a few days, haha

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gender (+) 

After going to therapy for several months, hemming and hawing over it months after, my dad asked what the therapy thing was about.

I told him I was non-binary and possibly had gender dysphoria.

He was supportive, saying, "Do what you want to do, it doesn't matter to me."

I genuinely feel a sense of relief and also a bit of happiness realizing it went the way I expected it to.

Hey I'm an enby person who writes silly video game things for the internet, read and share my things

Oops I started listening to the Sonic Rush OST after a conversation about it and one of the songs is stuck in my head

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

I work in IT which is the reason this house has:

- mechanical windows
- mechanical door locks
- no Alexa/HomeKit/Google
- no Internet connected thermostats, lamps, or whatnots
- a dumb TV
- wall switches for lights

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!