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New on the Secret Area: It's El Matador, a Max Payne knockoff from the Czech Republic that's solid, but quite punishing.

It's almost 4PM, yet I keep thinking it's 11AM-Noon.

Staying up late and waking up at around noon has thrown off my concept of time today. :bloboutage:

replaced my MIDI collection of Rise of the Triad with ones that actually put the song titles in the file name.

No more fumbling around clicking various "ROTT_0XX.MID" files just to find the one I like.

Another friend from a community I'm a part of just came out as trans.

Seems that once again, 🎵 all my friends are trans 🎵

updating old blog stuff 

I've been rewriting some of my 2012 blog posts to be more current.

I kept thinking "I shouldn't change these," but I realized 2012 me != 2020 me, and another content creator I like has done similar edits to his old work, so I figure that was a valid enough reason to do it.

Also the articles are still on the old site untouched, so it's not like I'm "erasing history" or whatever.

I stress over the most pointless things. :blobnervous:

bev! boosted

has anyone made a "hell's bells" joke w/r/t doom and animal crossing yet

it's so obvious and stupid that i actually hope i'm not the first

(to the tune of Billy Squier's "In the Dark")
In the fridge
In the fridge
In the fridge
In the fridge

bev! boosted

Installed a PC game for a future blog post.

Granted, I could've just bought the game off Steam, but where's the fun in that?

It's cold as heck tonight, so time to break out the socks again

Still look nice on me, I think

Decided to try taking some rotisserie chicken we got and putting it in some chicken top ramen.

Turned out surprisingly alright.

Walked about a mile or so to the grocery store and I tell you, it's great to have shoes that don't kill my feet and legs if I walk more than a quarter mile

comments section, gamers getting angry over nothing 

Why did I read an IGN comments section about Persona 5 Royal removing some homophobic content?

So many comments that basically boil down to "BUT I *LIKE* HOMOPHOBIA IN MY VIDEO GAMES :blobangery:"

I swear, I can't listen to Billy Squier's The Stroke without thinking about Dan Ryckert's dumbass story about putting words to the chorus of that song

Learned how to use the air fryer to cook corn dogs.

They turned out surprisingly alright and crispy.

Now to eventually try other things like chicken strips and pizza rolls...

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

entertaining myself on this fine saturday afternoon by pasting some emojis together. here is my new OC "muscle cat"

bev! boosted

i cant think of a more iconic quote from someone in the game industry than matt furniss' "hello hacker fucker" message

It's amusing to watch the archive of a twitch streamer struggle through Sonic 2006, then watch a video of someone else going through that same stage and get an S rank, making it effortless.

Though it does make me concerned for *anyone* playing Sonic 2006 for more than 10 minutes.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!