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gaming, dumb tech support solution 

Okay, I didn't think alt-tabbing out of Modern Warfare 2019 and renaming the executable by putting a 1 at the end would stop the random crashing I was having, but it worked somehow. :blobshrug:

Rewrote an old blog post about stuff I got in 2014, and I forgot I bought Rayman Raving Rabbids for the GBA from a discount store.

It's still in the shrinkwrap with the original stickers.

I wonder if it's any good.

[to the tune of "Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting"]
It's 11 o'clock and I wanna sleep
wanna get my body filled with z's

bev! boosted

rewriting old posts, racism mention 

I can't believe in 2012 I wrote an article worrying I was being xenophobic for not writing about Japanese games.

And in that same article I had used "from the rising sun" in the title. :blobfacepalm:

reposted because I confused the day of visibilty with the day of remembrance and I don't know how I did that

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oh it's that trans day of visibility thing

I guess I'm still non-binary? lately my gender's been in a mood of "I feel femme sometimes but otherwise I just feel tired" 😪


hey mc hammer, not every song needs to be a prodding slog that's 5 minutes long

save that for the 12" mixes, dude

bev! boosted

Watching Classic Concentration.

Sometimes there's a computer as a prize. People go "oh, I'd really like that."

Then they win the game and it turns out to be an Apple IIc computer.

Which is... not really the best computer? Even by 1987 standards?

Sorry I haven't been using mastodon as of late.

A minor issue from a week ago has given me less incentive to post. I might change that soon.

bev! boosted

I only learned the other day that MBF modifies the Doom title screen by overlaying helper dogs into the background. It's subtle enough that you don't notice unless someone tells you

bev! boosted

today I discovered that because Microsoft thought the Zune “Z” device would become as iconic and obvious as Apple’s Apple, they left both their name *and the product name* off the Zune product line, so now there’s a small but consistent group of them listed on eBay as “Hello From Seattle” MP3 players

This morning, I eventually went back to refine the post some more after I realized I was accidentally mimicking the style of another writer whom I've been binge-reading articles from.

While I didn't plagiarize anything, it did feel different from the other stuff I wrote, thus I went back and tried to give my own spin on it.

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It's great when I look at something I wrote two days after I wrote it and make it look nicer.

I'm even doing the old trick of "reading it out loud so it doesn't sound weird" which seems to work okay?

Today is Friday the 13th, time to play the soundtrack to the oft-maligned NES game.

A shame that all the videos of the OST on Youtube use like some really bad NSF rip where the percussion is way too loud.

bev! boosted
Suggestion: suppress every atempt your brain makes at making you say "How do you not know X??".

Every single one. Ever.

Nothing is obvious. There are a million reasons why someone might not know something, and a negative reaction to asking is the last thing they need. Encourage people to ask about things they don't know about.

One of my challenges lately is getting the motivation to write.

I keep thinking that I need to bang out 1,500 words in one go.

I really need to think smarter and write smaller pieces, even if they're not blog-worthy material or something.

A friend of mine on Facebook shared a video of someone playing that Ms. Pac-Man prototype with the weird face.

Weird place to see that, honestly

bev! boosted

Reminder, non binary people don't owe you:

  • their agab
  • androgyny
  • time
  • they/them pronouns
  • forgiveness for fucking up

You owe non binary people:

  • five dollars
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!