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I'm more interested in the goofy Hot Wheels DLC they did than the base Forza Horizon 3 experience.

I played the first Forza Horizon on 360 and thought it was alright for a racing game.

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Today I learned that Forza Horizon 3 is getting delisted off digital storefronts.

Might as well get it now before it goes away. Thank goodness I can play it on Windows 10.

gender, terms, and myself 

I have a hard time using "this guy" to refer to myself these days.

Yet I still don't feel comfortable referring to myself as "this gal" yet

Guess who just wasted some time removing clumps of hair out of a vacuum brush roller?

Me. it's me

gender, clothes 

I had a conversation with someone about bras and honestly for the past few days I haven't stopped thinking about that.

Like, I thought about wearing dresses, skirts, and boots, but never *bras*. It's one of those revelations I never realized until recently.

My brain works in stupid ways sometimes

I really have to learn to just have one-on-one conversations with people again.

Though I need to not be afraid to talk to people first.

Turns out playing games by myself is exhausting and lonely.

Probably should change that.

I was gonna make a dumb joke about a lesser-known jaguar game based on a dumb meme

but apparently I must've made the meme up in my head because I'm not finding anything on it.

Come to Tonic B H at where I talk about dumb music things that only I notice or care about

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birdsite, music things 

On birdsite, noted blinking man and video maker Drew Scanlon brought up this bit of musical surprise:

It made me think of like, similar songs that segue into a different song entirely.

Like how for a long time whenever I listened to the Mighty Mighty Bosstones' The Impression That I Get, I would think of the theme song to the $25,000 Pyramid.

I'm weird.

mh, gender (+) 

One thing I've noticed lately is how I don't feel like I'm ranting into a void about my gender problems lately.

I've had a few people come to me and have conversations about figuring myself out, and it really helps.

It definitely helps more than my previous idea of just listening to others' experiences and trying to relate them to my own.

bev! boosted

blog stuff, sexually suggestive thing 

Um, you're not gonna find that on my site, buddy

mh (~) 

I think my mood's not too great this evening.

Can't really explain why.

So after shelving an article idea because I figured it was poor timing, I was struggling to find a different game to write about.

While I was drunk last night, I glanced at a stack of games on top of my bookcase, then immediately found the perfect candidate.

This'll be fun.

bev! boosted

forgive me if I'm still figuring myself out.

I keep forgetting I can adjust and change when appropriate.

I'm so used to being... well, who I am for so long that I figure that change is something I have to make sure is right rather than just experimenting on things at any time

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visiting r/transtimelines and r/egg_irl means nothing, right :blobthinking:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!