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I kinda wanna talk to people about stuff and things but it's kinda late

Have to keep reminding myself that nothing is permanent and that it's okay to change things

Why is it whenever people talk about Tiger Electronics, it's always about the crummy LCD games or the

it's never the other ridiculous stuff they put out like Lights Out or Henry:


I haven't had twinkies in a while.

They're still alright. Not something I'd eat regularly but something I don't mind having every once in a while.

bev! boosted

gonna play some NES DuckTales this weekend. call it games done quack

Beat Dishonored.

I am terrible at stealth games, so I'm not surprised by the end I was just murdering every fool that I came across.

Love the art style and look of the world though, so it balances out.

Oh right, I think I was looking for that song last night, of which I'd later find out the version featured on Techmoan videos is actually sped up due to the media format he used to play it.

Music is a fascinating thing.

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Washed the dishes this morning and Cuba Baion popped in my head.

Of all the songs to have in my head for no particular reason...

Couldn't really fall asleep until late last night, I feel so tired today 😪

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oh right, I'm bun, so this applies to me as well, doesn't it

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bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area: It's Shellshock Nam '67, a Vietnam War game from... the guys who would go on to make Killzone?

Likes, shares and comments appreciated.

yet another thing about gender 

before I fell asleep last night, I started thinking more about what things I like about being masc as opposed to what I like if I were more femme.

Let me tell you, there aren't very many things I like about being male.

I don't know if this is me coming to terms with who I am or, if it's just some silly thing I'll think about and move on from, but this feels like an important step.

it's a "listen to Toto's 99 on loop" kind of night, isn't it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!