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Playing a near-10-year-old Call of Duty is how my day has been, mostly.

Surprisingly people are still playing it!

I just wanna make that clear that I'm okay because of my increased pessimism from last night.

I should probably see a therapist about this.

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anger, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts 

I wrote a thing on the birdsite regarding the tax bill that got passed here in the US.

I'm seriously having thoughts of not living because of this.

I'm just done. I can't fight, I can't live with this anymore.

Not gonna lie, my dream is to be a friendly helper that gives hugs and words of encouragement.

Let's hope one day that'll be a thing.

I'm having a conundrum.

What's the right way to wear a zip-up hoodie? Zipped all the way? partially? Not at all for maximum flow?

bev! boosted

watch out gamedevs, gog wont want your game unless you launch with them first. (steam and itch have no such requirements!)

This is apparently a thing now.

This honestly makes me wonder what even *is* video games at this point.

I honestly don't know how to fix my stupid brain to do the "social interaction" thing right. :blobfrown:

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I think one of the toughest things for me is engaging in a conversation.

I tend to look at internet personalities such as streamers from a long distance.

In my brain for some reason I don't think to talk/message these people ever. Just watch, don't interact.

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I seriously need to find some ambient music or something to relax to.

Lately I've been using twitch streams or youtube streams as background noise so I can sleep, but I should be engaging with said streams.

Found out that while I fixed dad's computer monitor problem by disabling the problematic update, Windows 10 was like "lolnope" and installed it anyway.

Thank god I rolled back the driver to fix it, but I'm worried this is going to be a repeat occurrence until I find a way to tell it to stop installing the GPU drivers over Windows Update.

Today in "my dad doesn't understand computers or the internet properly":

A Windows Update caused Windows 10 to default to the Microsoft Display Driver rather than the drivers used by the internal GPU, making everything look like stretched 4:3 ass.

He blamed it on people "hacking into his IP address to deliberately change it to force him to buy a new computer."

Granted his PC is old as dirt (got it in the early 2010s), but he only uses it to browse the web, so *shrug*

My god these peanut butter cups from costco are so good

I never thought costco would make better peanut butter cups than reese's.

My brain thought it was a good idea to have the theme from Boy Meets World in my head on loop.

This is the worst feeling.

I keep playing watch_dogs despite not caring a lot for the story and thinking Aiden Pearce is a dull white-ass male protag.

Guess I was itching to play a free-roamer that I hadn't played yet because I'm having more fun doing the side mission junk.

not sure if "united states of whatever" is a good song to have in my head at this time.

It's amusing how my family goes out and gets coffee for everyone, gets me a mocha which I sip like 3-4 times then go to sleep.

Guess I really needed the sleep.

Eventually other family members showed up that actually know how to do this so I'm pretty much hands-off unless they need to know where things are.

Win-win, I guess. :P

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!