my girlfriend after i bring up how janeway and sasuke are my crossover ship

sfw furry, pregnancy, swimsuit 

Illy wanted to go out for a beach day with her little bunlings! The walk to and from the restroom is pretty long, so she had to stop and take a stretch. One of the bunlings also took this opportunity to try and get a little more comfy in the hot sun :'3

This lovely piece was done by SpaceCrusade!!! <3 -

either lewd or self deprecating, not sure 

don't need to tell me twice, bud


My favorite part of going back to Springfield. 💗💗💗

(For the uninitiated, this is called a horseshoe. Meat and/or veggies topped with fries and a specially-made cheese sauce, served over toast. This one has seasoned ground beef, tomato, onion, scallions, and hot sauce.)

When the guy at the pickup window calls you "Ma'am"... and then you turn around and he goes "Oh, sorry sir"

furry art, sfw, pregnancy 

illy's having triplets!! here she is after getting her belly painted, enjoying a special moment with her little sprouts <3333

This lovely piece was done by SpaceCrusade!!! <3 -

furry art, underwear (no nudity), pregnancy 

The little sweeties decided they needed to wake up early, so Illy figured she might as well give them some tunes to help them burn off that extra energy. Maybe then she'll be able to take a real nap.

Lovely piece done by Skotch on FA <333

nsfw, pregnancy, partial nudity 

Ileana wanted to surprise her partner after a stressful day. She's a little clumsy right now but she handles it gracefully <3

Done by mdwines:

selfies, majoras mask, face not visible, boosts ok 

i can be your angle... or yuor devill

ffxiv reveal stuff 

when the viera are coming in the next expansion and you wanna do gay bun and cat shit

fertility/pregnancy/motherhood dysphoria 

Today I had an appointment to preserve some sperm since I'm starting HRT. I indicated that I would use it with a partner, but honestly? I'm hoping the day will come when I can use it on myself. I want to be a mother and bear my children, with all the stresses and anxieties and joys that come with it.

I don't know if I'll be able to in my lifetime. I'm not holding my breath. But at least I have my dreams.

(Art by <3333 )

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!