@revolverocelot sorry you failed to bully someone into supporting you financially! unfortunately you aren't entitled to other people's money, especially if you hurt them. maybe just accept that and move on.

oh, and before you start throwing more accusations around, I'm acting on my own, because I'm fucking sick of people like you abusing and neglecting my girlfriend and then alienating it from others when things stop going your way. peace.

trying not to go full doomer and failing miserably

on "cancel culture" 

@mavica "cancel culture" was perfectly cool and good when it was mainstream press vilifying Sinead O'Connor for speaking out against the pope or the Dixie Chicks for criticising George Bush, but now that ordinary people can hold jk accountable for bullying trans people it's suddenly a """""free speech issue"""""

on "cancel culture" 

@mavica someone made the very salient point that "cancel culture" was the domain of mainstream media for many years and was very deliberately controlled. now that social media has given voice to the masses to hold people accountable on their terms, the ones who were able to control the narrative for decades are raging against the bucking of the status quo

First piece of the year and I'm SUPER proud of it!! A babyshower for @Zelli feat. Dumpling, Mochi, Ileana, Adela, Lemuria, Natalia, and Jules!
#mastoart #illustration #creativetoots #digitalart #furry

Secret Santa for @Zelli :'3 and I'm sure she's really getting annoyed with me tagging her in so much to update my Social Media!
#mastoart #illustration #creativetoots #digitalart #furry #scifi #alien #rabbit

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!