I'm moving instances! 

You can find me on @adasauce@radical.town now.

Domain blocks on here were cutting me off from some folx that I interact with on the sometimes, and making threads impossible to follow.

Still love the locals I've found here, expect to see lots of follow requests coming from my new home.

Hopefully this is the last time I'm setting up shop again. :blobdetective:

See you all on the other side! :blobaww:

@bleeptrack @snder@quey.org that person appears to be a blackhole on this instance, maybe domain blocked or admin blocked them :(

been trying to find a new mastodon host for a few days whose network is a bit wider, been missing a ton of posts i'd normally be following but had no idea.

@bleeptrack wow!

is anyone selling the badges post-con? I'd love to get my hands on one, but lack the experience to build one from scratch from the design info.

@codl i think? this is why screen actors guild makes people pick unique names πŸ€”

I'm just over here linking calendar events to pizza delivery APIs that will magically get delivered 10 minutes before the event.

we're finally in 2019 folks.

Google Stadia is a bad idea, just think about when you actually had a Netflix account and then they took away all the good shows in like 2015

I thought some people from one of my old timelines disappeared but turns out they're instance blocked here, for apparently good reasons from the blocklist.

maybe finding a new instance with a wider network.


ever just spill a freshly boiled pot of tea on your leg and now its all red and blistery? 😭

@jackyalcine hey jacky! excited for the videos, good luck!

I found the background music great, but i think it might be mixed a bit too loud and drowns out your voice in some parts.

my eyes are tired today. what font is everyone using for terminals?

@quirk πŸ€” stumped me.

IANAL but I assume from a regulatory point of view, this sort of self-assembling structure would be more akin to a co-op or b-corporation.

As a corporation, at what point to you just become redhat and get bought out by IBM?

Customized the Debian 10 cloud image yesterday, boot time on a fresh VM went from 45 seconds :battery_charging: to 14 seconds :battery_full: to SSH access.

Fast first boots feel so good and clean, really makes deploying multiple servers feel magical.

@quirk halfway motivated to start hacking on it, but I feel like it would be hell to get over the hump of being 'works hackishly well most of the time' to 'works with the majority of other mail servers'.

especially trying to enforce sane and secure defaults.

what if we collectively paywalled corporations for access to open source software? πŸ€”

where authors joined a union of sorts and required a fee per month to the union organization for permission to use the software to "increase shareholder value". then the union redistributed the funds based on which projects were generating the income.

we'd create a community where the members are all motivated to maintain the software and contribute to member projects.

now tell me why this is bad and wrong.

@mavica yea i'm running all that shit in docker right now, it still manages to be a clusterfuck with very fragile configuration and pretty dangerous for non-mail-experts to make changes at risk of accidentally becoming an open relay or some shite.

its not about packaging up the complexity IMO, but reducing and removing it entirely.

i'll probably still run it in docker, but i won't need 9 containers and a health monitoring container that continuously sweeps and restarts unhappy microservices

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!