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remember that time i convinced asgore that he could turn his flower pictures into memes to get viral on the undernet

anyway i have no idea how his flowershop business is still afloat

the only thing worse than sequels are reboots

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@Nine if homestuck is so good there never should've been a homestuck 2

look what they did to mew mew kissy cutie

garbage. garbage. garbage. your waifus are all garbage. none of you are free from trash

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@MsToriel normal is just a setting on the washing machine :))))

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i've just been told by my doctor that this is Actually Unhealthy and im just like

man the WORLD is unhealthy


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if you name your next band glucose overdose you have to pay royalties to me

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you ever eat too many fruit gummies and lie on the lab floor in a catatonic state from the glucose overdose

it's fun

hey what if you had 4 legs

would that be cool or what

meet me in the marketplace of ideas for a very rational discussion about just how bad mew mew 2 is

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prince william mains yoshi on super smash brothers

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imagine if one day you found out that like i dont know queen elizabeth played doom

yeah it's like that

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!