Dearest followers, I have migrated my account over to if you would like to follow me there! Also my account redirects to there now sooo....

So I'm checking out IFTTT, and I can send a toot to Mastodon and there's a service that checks my .atom on Mastodon and then tweets it back to Twitter. Pretty neat.

Shark!Alyx boosted

cool things to call a nonbinary partner!
- theyfriend
- diamour
- datemate
- (if they're a computer or storage medium) datamate

@AzureHusky @Cr0wnless

I wish I could cry more. I feel like I stifle it a lot more lately though because I'm in a situation where I /shouldnt'/
I dunno, I'm liking the 80s retro nerd of

My favorite dessert is also cheesecake, a wise choice.

Also I dig the Lich motif! They're some of my favorite creatures from D&D. Do you watch anime? Have you seen Overlord by any chance? It's an Isekai ("another world" anime much like Sword Art Online) and the main character is a Lich. It's actually pf good.

Shark!Alyx boosted

you ever sit back and ponder about how cat spelled backwards is god?

really makes you think, huh?

Shark!Alyx boosted

People Online: ACAB
Me: Assigned Cop At Birth

Shark!Alyx boosted

Holy FUCK I remember that. I made a copy of that macro because I thought it was so hilarious.

I loved playing Monk, for the record.

Shark!Alyx boosted

sexuality is a goddamn mess and mine is almost impossible to describe accurately so i just say i'm gay

Shark!Alyx boosted

Hi! I'm Katie!
I'm trans and a huge nerd. I like to read fantasy novels and play board games and video games. I'm a software developer by trade and a tech junkie by night. I love pink and purple (can't you tell?)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!