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i made a mistake rebuying destiny 1 and didn't know there was a collection that included rise of iron so i guess i'm saving $30 over the next however long so that i can actually do all the content

@squirrel *airplane pilot voice* you are now free to hug the panda

i have like five sona in progress, is what i'm saying, because when i finally decide to do something i do it a bazillion percent

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amelia boosted

btw friends don’t let friends say “preferred pronouns”

it’s just “pronouns”
preference implies the user has any choice

thinking a lot about bleaching my hair and buying a bumper sticker that says "bottom text" how are you?


your girl made some extremely good pulled pork tacos tonight

hey turns out being with people you tend to get less active on social media

i hope everyone had a good holiday, you're all lovely.

also just to avoid confusion, i changed my avi, same amelia new look

my birthday was a month ago and i just realized i never changed my bio to reflect that

amelia boosted

car stuff, gadgets, emergency tips 

i spent like 54 bucks on a portable jump starter and it's honestly one of the best things i've purchased in a while

two reasons: first, you never really know when you'll need to jump your car. second, even if you know you need a jump, if you're like me and get anxious talking to strangers, etc. then being able to jump your car by yourself is really really rad

if you drive, and can spare the cash, strong recommend on getting one

i spent most of the day sleeping but i'm through the worst of the stuff, i think

i have so much to do in the next like... 11 days asdfghjkl;


i think it's a wings kind of night

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!