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Recent Searches, are you sure? Are you SURE, Apple??? Are you sure a demon isn’t using my phone when I’m not awake?

The Dalewood Disaster has concluded. 43km in 30°C heat in 7:38. 4 loops, 4 15-minute stops at the Water Works splash pad to cool down and recover. My nutrition and hydration were dialled in, my gear was right, and the slow pace got Kelly and I through the heat. Incredibly stupid, incredibly fun.

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It’s swimmin’ season, but Big Kevin Alive still presides over all

werewolf transformation body horror (+) 

My wife surprised me with belated birthday art: a sequence we joked about in February that I forgot about until she sent me these at 4am. Here's me as a powerful 1986 business executive whose fantasy mobile phone failed to remind her about the imminent full moon.

The heat, direct sun exposure, and reliance on water and salt tabs were all working against me, but Coach wanted 5 hours of solid effort, and I think I provided.

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Josef of FX Creator is making me silicone werewolf feet to match the Immortal Masks head and hands I already own. The one on the left is finished except for the hair; the other shows a darker paint scheme that will be lightened to match. I’m really excited about these! Having good stompers will really complete any costume I make with silicone partials.

Josef’s site:


Washed my HRT pills down with this last night. This morning at the endocrinologist appointment: “you’re the picture of health. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”

Fitness, selfie 

I got it done in under three and a half hours, including a mile-long diversion to find the washrooms. It was an insane amount of climbing, made enjoyable by the good-natured fatalism of the 70-ish other runners also attempting the Death Race. I did a lot of power hiking up, and a lot of giddy bombing back down. I could see attempting the full marathon next time!

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This morning I ran the Malden Death Race. Runners do laps on a gravel pathway in Malden Park, Windsor, ON. The path runs 280m up the biggest hill in the park, nicknamed “Big Bertha”. Runners can choose how many laps they do on the hill - 40 (half marathon), 80 (full marathon) or 120 (“ultra”). I started at 7am and chose to attempt the half marathon.

14-year-old me would have seen this comic in the Province paper, and the second panel would have been clipped and stashed in my folder of Benign Things that Give Me Indefinable Autistic Non-Human Yearning (in this case a monstrous arm making a casual, human-like gesture).

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!