werewolf tf, body horror+
So far as I know, my options to experience this are
1) AR/VR (costly, cumbersome, can buy from a store, relies on others to model and program the experience [at first])
2) Psychedelic drugs (affordable, illegal, need to know a source, relies on the random and highly improbable intersection of my synapses and the universe to produce meaningful results)
3) Lucid dreaming (has never worked for me even once due to having an antagonistic brain)
werewolf tf, body horror+
Craning your changing head to look back at your feet and seeing the same lengthening, darkening, staccato pulses of movement and growth as the transformation's impossible living engine drives it on. Dumbstruck, helpless, elated. You wanted this. You still do.
werewolf tf, body horror+
Pressure on the fingertips as thickening nails press against nailbeds, their half-moon shapes distending into pale yellow teardrop-shaped claws. Sprawled on one's stomach on the floor, watching this happen to the hands stretched out in front of you.
werewolf tf, body horror+
Palms flex and tendon and bone creak as fingers arch and lengthen in trembling spams. A sudden swarm of dark hairs materializes on forearms and knuckles, dousing the elation instantly with a shock of dysphoric panic before recognition takes hold. Coarse fur, not unwanted hair.
@jsonbecker I struggle with this too. I bounce off the UI and the deeply nested quote comments. The conversations all look like leaves floating by on a river — transient by nature.
@gothpanda yeah the first one I want, the second one would be a hassle
I’ve changed so much already. I embraced my feminine identity. I can run for 10+ hours and not perish. I know what it feels like to have claws and a muzzle even if I can’t see them. All the things I thought I needed that lycanthropic boost to accomplish, I’m doing anyway.
@D6016 you are indeed
Ultrarunner, trans woman, autistic, lycanthrope.