
Internet of Things 

The has reached my customer service desk.

A poor unfortunate soul brought a Raven Pro Document Scanner to me for repair because, although it's in near-perfect shape, it quit working when Raven quit answering the phone.

The manual says you have to connect it to the Internet & log in to a Raven account during the setup. That's red flag #1.

From 5-star praise in '23 to 1-star scorn in '24, & no unbricking rumors, let alone a how-to.

Sorry, joe, it's a no-go.

Internet of Things 

I also saw the price: $650, according to this PC Magazine review in '21: - Ouch!

What's really sad is that scanning files *directly* to your cloud storage service^W^W^W someone-else's-computer of choice is a pretty nifty & handy feature.

But you're seriously asking for exactly this kind of trouble & disappointment when buying an overpriced can opener that needs to use one someone-else's-computer in order to talk to another someone-else's-computer.

re: Internet of Things 

@arielmt jesus not to mention the privacy nightmare of putting your documents in someone else's hands

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