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I'm still tinkering with with my desktop icon theme.

I decided I don't need a tall xload because I'd only need to know if the load average gets above 4.0 or 5.0, not necessarily how much above.

I also decided that a wider xcal would help me reread date info a lot quicker. (I just realized I'll have to widen it more for "September.")

Combine those together, & that let me move xclock closer to the corner, too.

(Wallpaper is the left part of "Chakats at the Onsen")

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... I have 66 icons to manage so far, wow. :/

- 18 icons I configured to do nothing but look pretty (by running `true` if clicked)
- 48 icons that actually do things when clicked
- also, 5 programs running in windows that look like icons

I ended up writing a shellscript to help me manage them all (so much for not being as hard as it looks), because I'm definitely not done moving them around and adding more.

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I am so close to liking this icon theme I'm working on well enough to call it ready to write about. Whole screen, left-edge icons, and top-edge icons.

(Wallpaper: "Chakats on the Beach" by rickgriffin )

(Also, I like sailorhg's fairyfloss editor theme too much: - - and that's why I turned my xterm pastel purple, which I also need to share.)


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More progress with my desktop theme. There's still some work left, but it's mostly usable & somewhat presentable.

4 xbiff mail boxes beside 3 mail action icons (read mail, write mail, use webmail), above "Netscape" (Firefox), Xpdf, Gimp (rockin' the Deluxe Paint I brush), canfield solitaire, & a drawer for pcmanfm. I still need a volume mixer & frequent Web bookmarks.

Wallpaper: "Chakat Newbeat" by Kacey Miyagami.

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Good morning, folks. I'm still having a really hard time believing that this is somehow a controversial opinion to have in 2018.
(Art by ladysnakebite on FA.)

I don't expect it matters to too many other people, but I'm excited and happy. Anyway, a screenie (croppped) of xcal running and partly customized on my PC:

(My window manager is x11-wm/wmx.)

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WPA2, nonce, lewd 

If we're going to reuse nonces in WPA2, then we need a way to better verify their integrity. Thankfully, my favorite rag, Hacking Gibsons, was on it four years ago. :V

I got excited and found what looked like a candidate manual typewriter for easy conversion to any layout imaginable, the Sears Easy Touch from the mid-'60s. The slugs just slide right on and off. Then I saw its price and a typing sample showing off its build quality. Shame.

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I want a typewriter with the Dvorak layout, but they're as rare as hens' teeth.

There's a place that converts typewriters, but only Selectrics. They're excellent typewriters, but my goal is a manual over an electric. Besides, nearly $1,000 for purchase, conversion, and shipping is quite an investment.

A Blickensderfer with the non-qwerty Blick keyboard would also be nice if it's in good enough condition to be a weekly workhorse.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!