#FreeBSD 13.4-RELEASE-p2 amd64 with EFI (pretty sure UEFI), GPT, & encrypted ZFS root, after performing the steps recommended in:
- https://www.freebsd.org/releases/13.0R/relnotes/#boot
- https://www.freebsd.org/releases/13.1R/relnotes/#boot
- https://www.freebsd.org/releases/13.2R/relnotes/#boot
Photographed with a Sony Mavica MVC-FD51, and read in using a SmartDisk FDUSB-TM2.
Featureful Web browsers do have their uses. I'm getting lost now in https://infinitemac.org/ (specifically, their NeXT toys).
I wish Sunak's constituency had voted to resign him as MP, sparing him the need to resign as PM and party leader.
During his resignation speech, which was sorry in more ways than he said, his wife stood behind him with an umbrella yet his suit still looked like it was thoroughly rained on.
I guess that's what trying to import a lack of food, water, and health care while trying to blame immigrants and deport them to a place already lacking them gets you.
I just got spam that answers the question of why so much mail traffic is spam with basic depressing economics.
Also, since it's spam itself, the spam outfit behind it is overcharging, and the actual going rate per message for blasting spam is much, much lower.
That's why literally 10 million people could know spam when they see it, except just one who falls for its scam, and the spammer still comes out ahead.
One of the apps on my #Windows 10 workstation was last updated 738,953 days ago. Should I be worried?
Both image sources lack image descriptions. Description added here.
Web source: https://www.goodtechthings.com/pile-of-complexity/
Twitter source: https://twitter.com/forrestbrazeal/status/1628057409452122112
Did someone say "AIOps"?
I really miss the Web 1.0 days, when websites assumed you meant exactly what you said or only *offered* corrections for ambiguous potential mistakes.
Today in "stop reinventing HTML poorly & stupidly in JavaScript":
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