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The number of words with the same middle 3 letters is higher than I thought.

A cute kitten photograph every hour from a bot that *ethically* sources and shares photos: @hourlykitten

Welcome to the future, where you don't meaningfully own anything you buy anymore.

Your car's accelerator is just the latest thing locked behind a paywall.

"RSS is dead!"
Google Reader is dead.
RSS is alive and well.
Podcasts are literally RSS.
RSS is for every kind of content.
RSS readers exist for every OS.
RSS never died.
Only the walled gardens told you it died.
Spotted in a Mastodon profile:

Output of `tmpfile=$(mktemp); if touch $tmpfile; then cal -y 1752 > $tmpfile; xmore $tmpfile; rm $tmpfile; fi`

Something looks a bit, shall we say, unique?

Catgirls & doggirls using mainframes & minicomputers. This right here is perfectly my dream aesthetic.

If stops with this debugger error, check that your system isn't *too* hardened: `sysctl security.bsd.unprivileged_proc_debug=1` should let gdb/lldb attach & debug-run your program.

Anyone who knows rare add-ons for , can you point me to the manual for this? It's a Mountain Computer part number 05-04031-02 that came in a HDD-less IBM 5160 (PC-XT) I rescued. I can't tell if it's an MFM, RLL, or ESDI controller or what the jumpers do.

The computer arrived with this drive's door shut. How did they even get that far in there?

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I shouldn't be shopping for vintage computers, especially at this hour, but someone is definitely as much of a geek as I am. They're selling a TI-99/4A for $99.4A:

It took three times of allowing the Firefox installer, all via hidden options, before Microsoft actually allowed the installer to run.

This ain't no fly-by-night, Microsoft!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!