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I'll be honest, doctor, I really just want these pills to turn me into a smooshy naga

“Would you have sex with your clone if you could?”

broke: isn’t that masturbation?
woke: of course I would!
bespoke: only if they consented

Pain not in the ISP help desk job description 

I went up on a house roof today, and I apparently walked on the steep-angled parts wrong. Both my ankles have mild but noticeable swelling, & one started hurting about 2 hours after I came back down. I've been walking with a limp the whole afternoon and evening. :blobbandage:

The statement "download our app and get nice discounts" dramatically alters meaning if you read it as "let us execute code on your device"

The discounts are incidental

Everyone's being gay on my timeline, and it's so wonderful and wholesome. :gay_furr:

til the unicode full-width latin characters pair with the unicode ideographic space character in a different range


8bits in boxes
And floppy diskette drives
Old consoles and joysticks and DOS game archives
Vintage keyboards with them buckling springs
These are a few of my favorite things

One of the shortcomings of HTML websites that the LAMP stack promised to solve (& did at a price) is the absence of theming/templating. But the W3C actually solved that long ago in a powerful way: XML + XSLT. An XSLT file can turn XML data into HTML pages very easily & quickly, but LAMP's pains were so much easier to live with that XSLT never got far enough beyond browser support to have CLI tools.

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I'm going a bit more old-school with mine (favoring POSIX compliance over New Shinies for the most part), but the article is right about the main motivation & timing reasons: dynamic websites are slow, buggy, & often overkill; & LMLs are mature.

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That's a first. A "Microsoft" tech support scammer just robocalled my ISP help desk. The pre-recorded, computer-generated voice started speaking as soon as I picked up the line.

I've finally reached the "it works!" stage of my static website generator, & I'm so close to finished I can taste it. The only make target left to implement is the site upload.
*happy excited jitters*

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I paid attention enough today to get perilously close to the "it works!" milestone of my static website makefile.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!