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When you're writing code, don't forget that one of the people who might end up using it, one of the people you need to write docs for, is you. Specifically, a version of you 3-5 years from now who has no memory or idea of what you were thinking when you wrote it.

I just found out how to easily test every single byte of swap space I have: All I have to do is leave Firefox alone but running for most of a week.

box(){ t="$1xxxx";l="";c=${2:-=};i=${};until [ $i = 0 ]; do l="$l$c";i=$((i-1));done;printf "$l\n$c $1 $c\n$l\n"; }

# A slightly longer but more portable (& BSD-friendly) version of the bash box function in

function box() { t="$1xxxx";c=${2:-=}; echo ${t//?/$c}; echo "$c $1 $c"; echo ${t//?/$c}; } # Make box around text. By @bartonski See for an explanation of how it works.

tumblr, austin powers, bad joke 

Banned from Tumblr: "female-presenting nipple guns."

(I jest, but they've so messed up it could be true.)

Here’s my new refsheet from jungabeast@twitter!

Their original post on twitter:

(Cropped off the text bc mastodon didn’t like the dimensions)

re: email billing vent 

There are legit privacy & security concerns regarding bills & email.

But these same companies have no problem with sending actual payment confirmations by email, though. They tell me what I paid & when in email, but not what I owe & when.

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oops! I took these weird blue pills and turned into a super trans bird

email billing vent 

Dear companies: If you say you send bills by email, & those email messages are just "log in to our website to view your bill," then you DON'T send bills by email, & you're LYING when you say you do.


I'll be honest, doctor, I really just want these pills to turn me into a smooshy naga

“Would you have sex with your clone if you could?”

broke: isn’t that masturbation?
woke: of course I would!
bespoke: only if they consented

Pain not in the ISP help desk job description 

I went up on a house roof today, and I apparently walked on the steep-angled parts wrong. Both my ankles have mild but noticeable swelling, & one started hurting about 2 hours after I came back down. I've been walking with a limp the whole afternoon and evening. :blobbandage:

The statement "download our app and get nice discounts" dramatically alters meaning if you read it as "let us execute code on your device"

The discounts are incidental

Everyone's being gay on my timeline, and it's so wonderful and wholesome. :gay_furr:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!