And that tripped me up in some subtle ways. I actually needed `ENV=/home/arielmt/.shrc` instead, and to source it on cronjob lines. Now all my jobs are working properly & my crontab looks nice and neat. I updated the page I posted earlier because it was wrong. Double oops.
It turns out I needed `SHELL=/bin/sh` and `ENV=$HOME/.shrc` in my crontab and `PATH=` statements in my .shrc file. Oops.
I just had to figure out why a shellscript working perfectly was refusing to do anything, even quit, as a cronjob. I knew the cron environment was a bit different, but I didn't realize how much, or how to troubleshoot it effectively. Fixed:
Boost this if you see your kink:
Being gay for girls
Cuddling girls
Holding hands with girls
Talking about doing things with girls
Kissing girls
Loving girls
Thinking about girls
All girls
Just girls
Going out on dates with girls
Chatting with girls
Spending time together with girls
Being friends with girls
Being girls
Nobody will know which one >.<
It's not exactly what's expected of a ✨ sparkly shellscript princess ✨ , but last night I wrote about patching my window manager, wmx, within the FreeBSD ports tree:
I hadn't found any decent port patching instructions for non-porter sysadmins, so I wrote my own. The wmx author uses an "edit source & recompile" paradigm for configuration, & I only want to edit once, so off to Port Patchville I go! (This also lets me take the patch to another PC without new editing.)
It's not exactly what's expected of a ✨ sparkly shellscript princess ✨ , but today I wrote about patching my window manager, wmx, within the FreeBSD ports tree:
Basically, two of the default mouse button assignments are painful to me, & the author uses an "edit source & recompile" paradigm for customization. I only want to edit once, so off to Port Patchville I go!
TopDesk 1.3 GEOS64/128 Original Source
Thanks to Falk Rehwagen and Jürgen Heinisch, the original source of the TopDesk file manager for the GEOS operating system of C64/C128 is available.
#commodore #c64 #c128 #geos #retrocomputing
(video) Pinball Wizard, Folsom Prison Version:
I ran FreeBSD's `pkg autoremove` command yesterday, & it removed a bunch of stuff I didn't notice, including hal. Also, something must've changed in a recent kernel because I had to install a new package, xf86-video-intel (on an ancient Dell Inspiron 518 w/on-board graphics), before X11 found a screen again. #DayWithoutX
uspol, read if you use any amazon services
Amazon quietly removed a line from its transparency report saying it had "never participated" in the NSA's PRISM program.
Welp. Today is the #DayWithoutX. My workstation broke somehow and won't start X11, which means no GUI. Since the fallback in Unix is the CLI, & I grew up on the CLI, I'm not completely lost or unable to work. It's still a surprising nuisance, though.
Wait. Did he clean the motherboard by spraying it with brake parts cleaner?
scam spam (a bit long)
(I mean actually showing you what the password was, not a generic villainous "I have your password, nyahahahaaaa!" claim.)
✨ Kind 'Net Help Desk fairy by day. ✨
✨ Weird & furry Unix fairy by night. ✨
✨ Sometimes a retrocomputer fairy. ✨
✨ Pays the bills. ✨
✨ Sparkly✨shellscript✨princess. ✨
✨ Age: Mere days younger than ✨
✨ the Intel 4004 & Unix 1st Edition. ✨
✨ Follow requests welcome. ✨
✨ ✨