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We thought Google hit rock bottom with #privacy.

Its new beta feature on Google Files for #Android called “Smart Search" is the trap door.

This creepy new feature on by default & scans every file on your phone. Why is this bad? Because it could potentially ruin your life. (1/3)

It depends on which way inclined they are. No judging.

Big Mama Thornton: Forgotten Pioneer of Rock and Roll

Even if you didn’t see the recent film, everyone has heard of Elvis and heard him sing the words, “I ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog.” This was his signature song—-the one that propelled him to fame and an estimated lifetime earnings of $4.3 billion.

It is less likely you have heard of Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton.


#BlackMastodon #BlackExcellence #BlackTwitter #History #histodons #BlackHistory #music

One of the reasons I want Xenia the Fox to replace Tux the Penguin as the Linux mascot is so the bigots in the Linux community get outraged enough at queer symbolism that they basically see themselves out and save us the work of booting them out.

If people in the Linux space could not boost alt right voices that would be great. Like the least you can do really.

ASCII art sounds terrible for screen reader users. 🚫

A better way to share it: Take a screenshot and share that with alt text.

#Accessibility #WebAccessibility #AccessibilityInclusion #Disability #DisabilityInclusion #ASCII #ASCIIArt

YouTube stopped showing me the anti-adblock wall. Is Google trying to stop me from watching videos now? If so, is me blocking all JavaScript from * what's preventing Google from winning?

sorry my legs bounce too much when im sitting
its because i dont have a tail to wag

@briankrebs Y'know, if fewer web services actively blocked older browsers, people might not be nearly as well trained to fall for things like this.

The Fake Browser Update Scam Gets a Big Makeover

One of the oldest malware tricks in the book — hacked websites claiming visitors need to update their Web browser before they can view any content — has roared back to life in the past few months. New research shows the attackers behind one such scheme have developed an ingenious way of keeping their malware from being taken down by security experts or law enforcement: By hosting the malicious files on a decentralized, anonymous cryptocurrency blockchain.

"I pulled George out of the bay at Noumea. The Ship's photographer made up a liberty card for him. George lived with me in the Lighting Shop for over a year and went over the hill when we reached Seattle."

In 1944 some Navy men rescued a kitten and filled out all the forms for him like this.

As seen on tumblr:

recorded a Windows 95 full disk defrag to soothe your timeline.

How much can I get on trade-in of my old, run-down, always crappy pronoun at the used pronoun dealership?

linux comes with a thing where i click on an image and it shows me the image. but if i want to know when xbox controllers are on sale i'm out of luck, so, mixed bag

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me: hello windows. i would like to see this image
windows: great! i can do that. that's a totally normal thing to do. here's an image kind of like yours
windows: xbox controllers on sale now

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!