Boring floppy disk realization
I realized something this morning.
With 3.5" floppy disks, unformatted HD disks are 2 MB, & DD disks are 1 MB, so HD disks have twice the capacity of DD disks.
But with 5.25" floppy disks, unformatted DD disks (assuming double-sided) are 500 KB, & HD disks are 1,500 KB, so HD disks have 3x the capacity, not twice.
Later TIL there was a seldom-used "quad density" between DD & HD in 5.25" standards.
The new floppy drive belt is too wide. Everything else is perfect, but it's too wide to sit right in all three channels.
In good news, the seller I got the replacement from has better communication than most businesses. They want me to send both belts (new & bad) to make sure I get the right-width one.
Retr0brite gone very wrong, a damaged Mac Plus
Be careful what you test your new Retr0brite techniques on, folks. This is the main case of a Macintosh Plus 1Mb, signed by Steve Jobs among others on the inside, and shows what happens when you guess wrong on something pretty valuable.
(This eBay listing sold, but I'm not the buyer.)
I hope it's because the motor ribbon missed the PCB connector when I reassembled the floppy drive...
how to use git to post code on Github
1. Draw the circle sigil diagrammed below in chalk on the floor, with candles placed at each of the 32 indicated junctions
2. Wearing a medallion inscribed with your Github credentials, sit before the circle.
3. Place your computer in the center of the ring. Light the candles.
4. When the screen fades to a dark violet, say "O great illustrious Branch Master, accept ye the Deltas of my renewed commitment" in a clear, slow voice, then strike the Enter key once.
The new 180 mm belt came in, and wrapping it around the floppy drive spindles & pulley felt exactly as hard as it needs to be.
Just a quick PSA. Remember, when you see someone post news articles on Mastodon regardless of who is posting it there is a significant chance that it is either fake, or the information in it is mostly wrong. If you see an interesting story in a post, research it. I don't care if it's from your mother, I don't care if it's from your best friend, I don't care if it's from "a guaranteed trusted source". Research everything. Uttimately you are responsible for the information you absorb, and share.
Windows gets its own distro of Linux, and in Windows fashion it costs $20
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