User: ugh I’m so authenticated
Server: hi Authenticated, I’m Server
libssh authentication bypass in server code - CVE-2018-10933. 🔥
New av made by a cute generator. I'm not a fan of circle avatars, so I post-edited mine. (redraft, now with 100% more picture)
Good to know I'm not imagining the unusually huge temperature swing, & maybe good to know I've got at least another 3 days of it I have to endure. I'm about halfway between those dots at the bottom that say "Datil" and "Socorro." ❄️
App Academy have launched a $0 plan for their entire curriculum: This could be an amazing way to break into tech if you've got time but limited cash.
colors, tools, accessibility
I spent the last few hours playing with some color tools that together let me choose page link colors both complementing the text & background /and/ conforming to the WCAGs by the W3C Web #Accessibility Initiative. #a11y
Color Calculator:
Color Contrast Checker:
ColorHexa (which has a colorblindness simulator):
I don't have much of an eye for design, but I spent the weekend toying with an "old & worn parchment scrolls" website theme. Here's my test page:
I needed to do something like this because, though I've got CSS 2 pretty nailed down, I'm very rusty with CSS 3.
I think for my website of disparate data, I want an effect where the content is on old frayed-edge parchment paper. However, I want it to adapt to the window size naturally, & I remembered that 12 years ago I made just such a design.
The trouble? It's a very tacky '90s-ish design both in appearance (granular, aliased gifs everywhere) and in HTML structure (layout tables two levels deep, with tabular data mixed in).
Linus Tech Tips
Some episodes of LTT are actually informative. Then you have stupidly dangerous episodes like this, sort of like Electroboom vs. Home Improvement but not quite as funny, which are just begging for a follow-up video announcing that the studio caught fire because of an ignorantly half-assed lithium ion battery pack.
Nazis getting fired
Sing along now
"If you're a Nazi and you're fired,
It's your fault!
If you're a Nazi and you're fired,
It's your fault!
If you were spotted in the mob,
and you lost your fucking job,
You're a Nazi, and you're fired!
It's your fault!"
Image from the "Project Cybersyn" article on the "99% Invisible" blog:
ruining fast food with vore kink
I'd cry that I'm not into vore, but one of the jokes I've run with is that my phoenix form often ended up as deep fried original and extra-crispy pieces in buckets from KFP (Kentucky Fried Phoenix). Which is okay because phoenixes always regenerate, but also not okay because sometimes it happens early, while still inside of KFP customers.
✨ Kind 'Net Help Desk fairy by day. ✨
✨ Weird & furry Unix fairy by night. ✨
✨ Sometimes a retrocomputer fairy. ✨
✨ Pays the bills. ✨
✨ Sparkly✨shellscript✨princess. ✨
✨ Age: Mere days younger than ✨
✨ the Intel 4004 & Unix 1st Edition. ✨
✨ Follow requests welcome. ✨